Law Enforcement Roundtable Discussion


Last week, I held my third law enforcement roundtable with more than 20 sheriffs, police chiefs, ICE agents and Border Patrol officers. This has proven to be a great tool for increasing communication, collaboration and partnerships across jurisdictions within law enforcement in South Texas. We discussed local law enforcement issues and border security, including the 287(g) program.  Read more about Law Enforcement Roundtable Discussion

Texas House passes bill restricting insurance coverage of abortion

Welcoming Some of Texas’ Most Promising Young Leaders to Washington

Every summer I have the great pleasure of welcoming some of Texas’ most promising young leaders to Washington, D.C for my Pete Sessions Leadership and Growth Program. This summer I was pleased to have 205 students from 47 different high schools join me and my staff in our nation's capital to get a glimpse into the inner workings of Congress. Read more about Welcoming Some of Texas’ Most Promising Young Leaders to Washington

People Are Policy, Why The Failure To Replace Obama Political Appointments Cripples The Trump-GOP Policy Agenda


We are now almost eight months into the Trump administration. There are 564 key positions that are political appointees, of these, 370 have no nominees, 7 are awaiting nominations and 139 formally nominated but most not confirmed. Read more about People Are Policy, Why The Failure To Replace Obama Political Appointments Cripples The Trump-GOP Policy Agenda

WATCH: Texas Store Owners Fight Off Two Armed Robbers


Two unarmed store owners thwarted an armed robbery when they fought off two men with handguns. Police report no injuries from the incident but the two would-be robbers eventually escaped. Read more about WATCH: Texas Store Owners Fight Off Two Armed Robbers

Congressman Poe: Tighten the Screws on North Korea


The rogue nation of North Korea is the greatest threat to U.S. national security and to the peace and stability of the entire world. Kim Jong-Un’s recent ICBM tests and revelations that the regime has miniaturized a nuclear warhead requires a stern and united response. I applaud recent sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council and President Trump’s adoption of Congress’s new sanctions package. Read more about Congressman Poe: Tighten the Screws on North Korea

Texas restaurant group joins battle against bathroom bill

Special Session Capitol Report

Welcome to the Second Edition of this Special Session's Capitol Report.

Texas Medical Board Sunset Legislation - The House and the Senate have both passed SB 20 and SB 60. These bills are most important piece of legislation added to Governor Abbott's call which allow the state to continue to certify our doctors and ensure critical support agencies of the Texas Medical Board will continue beyond September of this year. Read more about Special Session Capitol Report

The RAISE Act Talking Points Are Deceptive

Supporters of the RAISE Act are counting on the media, voters, and policy makers to focus on talking points supporting the bill rather than its actual substance.  Those supporters want the debate over this bill to be “skilled or merit based immigrants versus family-based immigrants” – a debate that they could win.  But they can only do that if everybody focuses on the talking points and they remain ignorant of the actual contents of Read more about The RAISE Act Talking Points Are Deceptive

Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Sex Trafficking 9-Year-Old Girl


A woman in South Texas faces a minimum of 15 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to sex trafficking a 9-year-old girl. Read more about Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Sex Trafficking 9-Year-Old Girl


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