OPM Just Made It Harder to Drain the Swamp

No administration can drain the swamp if it doesn’t know where to look.


President Donald Trump took office with a promise to drain the swamp, but the federal agency that manages the government’s two million civilian employees is making it harder to do that. Under a new policy, the Office of Personnel Management recently stopped reporting data on employees terminated for wrongdoing or poor performance. Read more about OPM Just Made It Harder to Drain the Swamp

Heavy Rain, Flooding Predicted as ‘Harvey’ Approaches Texas Coast


Heavy rains and flooding are predicted for the coastal regions of Texas as the once and future Tropical Storm Harvey approaches. Currently, Harvey is expected to re-organize Wednesday. Read more about Heavy Rain, Flooding Predicted as ‘Harvey’ Approaches Texas Coast

Potential hurricane threatens Texas

ESPN Pulls Asian Broadcaster Robert Lee over Similarity to Confederate General’s Name


ESPN pulled an Asian broadcaster named Robert Lee from a University of Virginia football game because of his name.

President Trump's South Asia Strategy

President Trump’s Afghanistan speech on Monday night was a rude awakening for Islamabad. Those in the Pakistani military and intelligence services who thought they could keep betraying the United States while accepting billions in aid from Washington must now realize that the jig is up. Read more about President Trump's South Asia Strategy

Donald Trump makes right moves in Afghanistan: Gen. John Allen and Michael O'Hanlon

Political Correctness Kills A Broadway Show, Happy Now?


This is a little different subject matter for Texas Conservative Review, but it is instructive as to the corrosive effect of political correctness. The musical with 12 Tony Award nominations, including Best Musical was Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812. Read more about Political Correctness Kills A Broadway Show, Happy Now?

Sen. Cruz Discusses Obamacare Repeal and Fundamental Tax Reform in New Braunfels and San Antonio



Yesterday I toured Sysco Central Texas, Inc. in New Braunfels, where I held a town hall with employees. Following my town hall, I delivered remarks at the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Later in the day, I visited Division Laundry & Cleaners, also in San Antonio, where I discussed the need to roll back unnecessary and burdensome federal regulations so that small businesses can grow, innovate and thrive. Read more about Sen. Cruz Discusses Obamacare Repeal and Fundamental Tax Reform in New Braunfels and San Antonio

The Hill Report: Week of August 14 - 18, 2017

This past week I was delighted to meet with North Texans across the 32nd Congressional District to discuss important issues facing our community and nation. From volunteering at the North Texas Food Bank, to meeting with healthcare professionals, to meeting with small businesses across the district, I had a productive and informative week talking with the constituents that I proudly represent.  Read more about The Hill Report: Week of August 14 - 18, 2017

What to Do about Southern Statues and Defending Our Founding Fathers


If you want to know why many blacks want Southern statues removed, review this statistic, the DNA of the average black is only 73% African, the rest mostly white; meaning Southern Slaveholders were rapist. Female slaves were at the mercy of their slave masters and many slave masters took advantage of women they owned. Read more about What to Do about Southern Statues and Defending Our Founding Fathers


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