Recognizing Evil When We See It

Today, one doesn’t have to look far to see things which should be of concern to America, assuming they are looking and ‘care’.  People have too often given up, they no longer watch the news, read a newspaper, listen to the radio, or even discuss ‘issues’ with their neighbors.  They behave this way because they are on overload (or want to feel good).  Read more about Recognizing Evil When We See It

TEXAS FLOODS: 350 Alligators Escape from East Texas Gator Farm


The owners of the largest alligator adventure park in southeast Texas says that more than 350 of their alligators have escaped and are outside of the sanctuary because of Hurricane Harvey-related flooding. There are other reptiles loose within the facility. Read more about TEXAS FLOODS: 350 Alligators Escape from East Texas Gator Farm

Hurricane Harvey Resources


Many Houston residents have lost their homes or suffered flood damage as a result of Harvey. If you are a victim of the recent flooding in Harris County, resources are available to you. As always, should you need assistance with regard to FEMA benefits, please contact my D.C. office at (202) 225-2571. Read more about Hurricane Harvey Resources

Cornyn Visits Coastal Bend Region, Surveys Damage from Harvey


Yesterday I joined Governor Greg Abbott, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Brock Long, and local officials for a briefing at the Texas Department of Public Safety office in Corpus Christi. Following the press conference, we surveyed damage in Rockport in the Coastal Bend region of Texas. Read more about Cornyn Visits Coastal Bend Region, Surveys Damage from Harvey

Here's How You Can Help People Affected By Harvey

Hurricane Harvey Rescue and Recovery Efforts

Due to continuing rain and flooding in Houston, I regret that roadways are blocked and I will be unable to travel out of the city to join Gov. Abbott, Sen. Cornyn, and other state and local officials down in Corpus Christi this afternoon. I will remain in Houston, working closely with federal, state, and local officials continue providing relief to those impacted by the storm.  Read more about Hurricane Harvey Rescue and Recovery Efforts

‘Texan’ Defined: ‘I’m Gonna Try to Save Some Lives,’ Says Volunteer Rescuer


As a volunteer rescuer from Texas City prepared to launch his boat on a Houston freeway, a reporter asked him what he was going to do. His answer revealed much about the attitude of being a Texan. Read more about ‘Texan’ Defined: ‘I’m Gonna Try to Save Some Lives,’ Says Volunteer Rescuer

Hurricane Harvey May Leave Parts of Texas ‘Uninhabitable for Weeks or Months,’ Say Feds

Parts of Texas may become uninhabitable for weeks or months according to a Friday morning statement from the National Weather Service. Read more about Hurricane Harvey May Leave Parts of Texas ‘Uninhabitable for Weeks or Months,’ Say Feds

GOP lawmaker does outdoor TV interview soaking wet as hurricane approaches

Hurricane Harvey strengthens to Category 2 storm, Texas officials urge residents to 'Get out now'


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