Starting Today, It's Illegal to Text and Drive in Texas

Filing a Claim at DisasterAssistance.Gov

Earlier this week I had a conference call with the Administration, FEMA, DHS, House Leadership, the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and the Houston-Galveston Congressional delegation. Read more about Filing a Claim at DisasterAssistance.Gov

Chopping at the Root

Sometimes it is so frustrating scrolling through all of the social media out there full of the latest unbelievable act of this politician or that branch of government. Read more about Chopping at the Root

Texas GOP Keeping Its Promise to Protect Life

The Special Session called by Governor Greg Abbott is officially over, so how did we do protecting life?  Short answer: never in the history of Texas, has the legislature passed so many life-saving, life affirming measures. Read more about Texas GOP Keeping Its Promise to Protect Life

Cornyn Praises Harvey Response Efforts, Pledges Aid

I praised the Trump Administration’s response to Hurricane Harvey and pledged to help with federal recovery efforts earlier this week at a press conference in Austin:

I think all of us have expressed our gratitude to the President and his Cabinet for leaning in on this terrible disaster that has hit the state of Texas. Read more about Cornyn Praises Harvey Response Efforts, Pledges Aid

The RAISE Act Would Hurt U.S. Taxpayers


Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation recently argued that the RAISE Act, a bill introduced by Senators Cotton (R-AR) and Perdue (R-GA), would save taxpayers billions by reducing lower-skilled immigration.  Below I will argue that the RAISE Read more about The RAISE Act Would Hurt U.S. Taxpayers

Texas Ends Both Legislative Sessions with Increased Pro-Life Success

The Texas Legislature concluded its 140-day regular session at the end of May with sensational pro-life successes. The Legislature passed six pro-life bills, continued to fund alternatives to abortion and continued to defund Planned Parenthood. During a special session convened later in the summer, the Legislature passed four more pro-life bills, adding icing to the cake. Read more about Texas Ends Both Legislative Sessions with Increased Pro-Life Success

Best Buy Apologizes For Selling $42 Packs of Water While CNBC Asks If Disaster Capitalism Is So Bad

What Next Rough Beast...The Second Coming of Nuisance Law Litigation


Public Nuisance is not a new concept. It is an ancient common law concept dating back hundreds of years to the beginning of English common law. 1.   It can be traced to the feudalism of the Middle Ages and was transported to the North American continent by English settlers. Read more about What Next Rough Beast...The Second Coming of Nuisance Law Litigation

Seeking Jesus


How does one go about Seeking Jesus?  This is a story that I feel must be shared because at one time or another, I believe, all Christians seek truth, seek Jesus. Bill and I had some choices to make in June prior to having our entire family visit us.  We had selected either a Mexico City tour of the museums or Washington DC to be at the opening of the ‘Art of Engagement’ Exhibit where one of my images was going to be on display. Read more about Seeking Jesus


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