University of Texas in Austin removes Confederate statues

The “Race” to the Bottom for America


Are you tired yet of every racial grievance making its way into the political arena to try to score political points? Tired of people using race as an excuse to justify poor behavior like tearing down or defacing historical monuments? Tired of the double-standards, hypocrisy, and the dredging up of historical animosities to perpetuate racial divides? Read more about The “Race” to the Bottom for America

Six Flags Over Texas Removes Confederate Flag

Congressman Poe: Freedom Must Not be Intimidated


Yesterday I issued the following statement in the aftermath of the Barcelona terrorist attack. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, killing over 13 people and injuring 80 more. Details are still developing. Read more about Congressman Poe: Freedom Must Not be Intimidated

Congressional App Competition


I am pleased to announce that the Congressional App Challenge, a competition designed to encourage student participation in computer science and coding, will take place from July 26, 2017 - November 1, 2017. Read more about Congressional App Competition

A Republic…if you can keep it!


Our republic is failing. Among the symptoms are frequent Constitutional violations, over-spending, open hostility to the Christian faith, activist judges, unenforced borders, a wildly intrusive federal government, and an underlying and radical progressive agenda by those hostile to our Constitutional Republic. In a healthy republic, these symptoms would only flare up briefly, to be attacked quickly and aggressively by the citizenry through their constitutionally elected representatives. However, the United States today is far from a healthy republic. Read more about A Republic…if you can keep it!

13 Dead In Central Barcelona After Van Smashes Into Crowd In Islamic State Terrorist Attack

5 Questions “Convention of States” Proponents Don’t Ask


CoS (Convention of States) proponents believe this claim by CoS speakers…“Convention of States is not a constitutional convention.”

CoS proponents could read the bills, and then ask these questions:  Read more about 5 Questions “Convention of States” Proponents Don’t Ask

The Alt Right is Not Conservative nor Right


The alt-right movement is neither conservative politically nor right period.  In the recent French election, Marine Le Pen simply veered to the left on many key areas in effort to garner additional French union voters and a few straggling leftist and she still lost. Read more about The Alt Right is Not Conservative nor Right

Why Trump’s Legal Immigration Reforms Would Be Bad for Americans

President Trump campaigned on creating a new U.S. immigration policy that is in the national interest. Rising to Trump’s call, two Republican Senators — Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Perdue of Georgia — have introduced the RAISE Act to slash legal immigration by 50%.


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