How Blue State Voters Compare to Red State Voters Part 4: California 43rd District Voter Conclusions

Due to the jungle primary and the elimination of party primaries, California has seen a drop in party registration and LA Times Daniel Woods reported, “Although some headlines across the state give the impression that both parties are losing ground, the figures should not be construed as equally distributed, some analysts say…Roughly 20 percent of independent voters in California lean Republican and 40 percent Democratic.” (13) In some cases, this Read more about How Blue State Voters Compare to Red State Voters Part 4: California 43rd District Voter Conclusions

Commemorating Startup Day


Last week, I visited local startup Bloom CoffeeWorks to commemorate Startup Day. Read more about Commemorating Startup Day

Do You Think a Convention of the States is a Good Idea? Mark Meckler and Think So


My long-time Eagle Forum friend, Orlean Koehle, wrote this enlightening article about the Leftists and Leftist organizations that are pushing for a Convention of the States. Read more about Do You Think a Convention of the States is a Good Idea? Mark Meckler and Think So

Texas House tentatively approves $1.8 billion for public schools

Brady Statement on July 2017 Jobs Report

The Department of Labor reported today the economy added 209,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate was 4.3 percent. Read more about Brady Statement on July 2017 Jobs Report

Sen. Cruz: ‘We Are With You Venezuela, Your Best Days Are Yet to Come!’



Yesterday I delivered remarks on the Senate floor regarding the growing unrest in Venezuela, and the arrest of prominent dissidents, including Leopoldo Lopez and Antonio Ledezma by the Maduro regime’s security forces.

Watch my floor speech in its entirety here. The full text of my remarks is below: Read more about Sen. Cruz: ‘We Are With You Venezuela, Your Best Days Are Yet to Come!’

How Blue State Voters Compare to Red State Voters Part 2: What Does California’s 43rd Want Congress to Do?

When asked what Congress should focus on, California 43rd District voters stated growing the economy and health care. 25% of Republicans, 29% of Democrats and 23% Independents want Congress to focus on growing the economy and 31% Democrats and 25% Independents want Congress to work on health care reform. Read more about How Blue State Voters Compare to Red State Voters Part 2: What Does California’s 43rd Want Congress to Do?

Senate Republicans Introduce Border Security Legislation

U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), John Barrasso (R-WY), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Thom Tillis (R-NC) today introduced the Building America’s Trust Act, legislation that increases resources at our borders, boosts trade through ports of entry, and strengthens enforcement of existing laws. Read more about Senate Republicans Introduce Border Security Legislation

Sens. Cotton and Perdue’s Bill to Cut Legal Immigration Won’t Work and Isn’t an Effective Bargaining Chip

Republican Senators Tom Cotton (AR) and David Perdue (GA) are unveiled a bill Wednesday at the White House that would slash the number of legal immigrants by about 50 percent over the next decade. This bill will be very similar to the  Read more about Sens. Cotton and Perdue’s Bill to Cut Legal Immigration Won’t Work and Isn’t an Effective Bargaining Chip


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