The Secret Serbian Rescue Missions of World War II

During the long, dark, lamentable days of World War II, Serbians and Americans forged a bond in a secret mission that remained classified for almost 60 years. What was known as Operation Halyard became the largest rescue operation of American airmen in history.  Read more about The Secret Serbian Rescue Missions of World War II

How Blue State Voters Compare to Red State Voters Part 1: California Voters’ Views vs. The Nation

Americas Majority Foundation conducted a series of polls including two national polls on voters’ views post 2016 elections. The issues we reviewed included asking voters if they felt increasing government spending and deficits would help or hurt the economy and their economic prospects, does growth in the private sector also aid in in their economic prosperity, and should politicians emphasize job creation and economic growth. Read more about How Blue State Voters Compare to Red State Voters Part 1: California Voters’ Views vs. The Nation

Cornyn: Democrat Blockade of Pentagon Nominees Puts Lives at Risk

I am urging my Democrat colleagues to end their months-long blockade of President Trump’s Executive Branch nominees.  Read more about Cornyn: Democrat Blockade of Pentagon Nominees Puts Lives at Risk

Houston, San Antonio Executives Tell Abbott: Do Not Pass Any Bathroom Bills

Business and non-profit leaders from Houston and San Antonio signed letters this week opposing legislation restricting bathrooms access to transgender individuals and preempting any similar municipal ordinances.

The letters are signed by an array of business, chamber of commerce executives and non-profit leaders from both metropolitan areas.  Read more about Houston, San Antonio Executives Tell Abbott: Do Not Pass Any Bathroom Bills

Texas 'campus carry' law expanding to community colleges

Peace Corps Angel Abroad -- Jennifer Mamola

Jennifer Mamola represents the very best of America. She volunteered for the Peace Corps at 26 and served in Uganda.

While there, tragically, she was hit from behind by a drunk driver, breaking both of her legs. Her life changed forever. Read more about Peace Corps Angel Abroad -- Jennifer Mamola

New Cornyn, Weber Bill Would Protect Federal Transit Funding for Cities Hit with Natural Disasters


U.S. Representative Randy Weber (TX-14) and I recently introduced the Relief for Recovering Communities Act, legislation to protect federal transit funding for communities plagued by population decline following natural disasters. Read more about New Cornyn, Weber Bill Would Protect Federal Transit Funding for Cities Hit with Natural Disasters

Only 26% of Republican Primary Voters Support the Bathroom Bill

Five surveys conducted over variety of legislative districts find that majority say the law is a distraction from real issues facing Texas

The purpose of the surveys was to test general voter sentiments on a range of issues, including views on the so-called ‘Bathroom Bill’ legislation. Read more about Only 26% of Republican Primary Voters Support the Bathroom Bill

Texas House Pursues Crackdown On Mail-In Ballot Fraud

Cornyn: Time to Deliver on Our Promise

Recently on the Senate floor, I reiterated the importance of Republicans coming together to keep their promise to get rid of Obamacare. Excerpts of my remarks are below, and video of my remarks can be found here.

Throughout this process, what I've learned is that Senators have a lot of different ideas, and everybody has come to the table to try to help make this better. Read more about Cornyn: Time to Deliver on Our Promise


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