Working to Keep Corpus Christi Army Depot Busy

Last week, I attended the House Depot Caucus’ annual breakfast in the Capitol. I spoke with General Gustave Perna, Commander of the United States U.S. Army Materiel Command also known as the Organic Industrial Base (OIB). General Perna assured me the Army is committed to maintaining its readiness and a key component of the OIB is the Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD). I also met with Lt. Read more about Working to Keep Corpus Christi Army Depot Busy

Texas Legislature’s Special Session Week Two Wraps Up Today

Rep. Smith Supports Funds for Strong National Security


Yesterday I voted to provide critical funding for our national security with his support for H.R. 3219, Make America Secure Appropriations Act. The bill passed 235-192. Read more about Rep. Smith Supports Funds for Strong National Security

Congressman Farenthold Introduces GPS ACT

Bill will end warrantless law enforcement use of geolocation information


I introduced legislation yesterday afternoon to end the warrantless domestic tracking of individuals using Global Positioning System (GPS) data. The Geolocational Privacy and Surveillance Act or the ‘‘GPS Act,” would require all domestic law enforcement agencies to obtain a warrant before tracking individuals’ geolocation information without their knowledge. Read more about Congressman Farenthold Introduces GPS ACT

Small Business Groups and Entrepreneurs Call on Congress to Prioritize Passage of Permanent, Comprehensive Tax Reform in 2017

Small businesses urge Senate and House leaders to cut rates, enact full, immediate expensing, and move to a territorial system

Washington, D.C., July 17, 2017 – Fixing our broken tax code is critical to helping small businesses and unleashing the entrepreneurial potential of our nation, wrote the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council) along with allies and small business owners in a letter submitted last week to Sena Read more about Small Business Groups and Entrepreneurs Call on Congress to Prioritize Passage of Permanent, Comprehensive Tax Reform in 2017

Top Texas Law Enforcement Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Sexual Assault Experts, Sexual Assault Survivors And Superintendents Say Bathroom Bills Do Not Keep People Safe

AUSTIN, TEXAS --Texas police chiefs, sheriffs, public safety experts, sexual assault survivors, sexual assault experts and public school superintendents gathered on the South Steps of the Capitol Tuesday to urge lawmakers to once again reject efforts to pass unnecessary bathroom bills and discriminatory legislation, including HB 46, HB 50 and SB 3 and SB 91.  Read more about Top Texas Law Enforcement Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Sexual Assault Experts, Sexual Assault Survivors And Superintendents Say Bathroom Bills Do Not Keep People Safe

Patrick Meets Straus on the Speaker’s Preferred Battlefield

Throughout his ascendancy at the Texas Capitol, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has proven time and again the ability to adapt to the political environment. Unlike many in the Tea Party faction of the Republican Party from which he derives his support, Patrick comes to government to govern, not to protest. Read more about Patrick Meets Straus on the Speaker’s Preferred Battlefield

Congressman Farenthold Introduces the JAWS Act


I introduced the Justice Attributed to Wounded Sharks (JAWS) Act, H.R. 3377, on Tuesday.

The JAWS Act prohibits the importation of seafood products from countries that do not prohibit shark finning in their territorial waters. It also prohibits importing seafood products from countries that sell, possess, import, or consume shark fins obtained through shark finning. Read more about Congressman Farenthold Introduces the JAWS Act

Stop Funding Palestinian Terrorists

Last Friday night, an Israeli family sat down for Shabbat dinner to celebrate the birth of a new grandchild, but a 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist put an end to this joyous occasion.

The terrorist brutally attacked the Salomon family with a large knife. Pictures of the family’s home show a white floor stained red with the blood of the innocents. Read more about Stop Funding Palestinian Terrorists


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