Brady Briefing: Strengthening Our Military and Holding the VA Accountable

Congress took a big step late last week in fulfilling its most important Constitutional duty: to provide for the common defense. I joined my colleagues in the House to pass this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This bill fulfils our promise to rebuild America’s military capability and ensures our Armed Forces have the tools, training and troops necessary to protect and defend our country. Read more about Brady Briefing: Strengthening Our Military and Holding the VA Accountable

Our National Space Program Is on the Verge of a Renaissance


I participated in the third of a series of planned hearings to explore the reopening of the American frontier in space. The hearing, titled “Reopening the American Frontier: Promoting Partnerships Between Commercial Space and the U.S. Government to Advance Exploration and Settlement,” examined partnerships between the U.S. government and commercial space industry to advance America’s leadership in space, and space exploration. Read more about Our National Space Program Is on the Verge of a Renaissance

Rep. Smith Votes to Boost Resources for the Military

Defense Bill Rebuilds Military for the 21st Century

Today I voted to provide critical resources for our national security with my support for The National Defense Authorization Act. The bipartisan bill passed 344-81. Read more about Rep. Smith Votes to Boost Resources for the Military

Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Eliminate Healthcare Exemption For Members of Congress



Yesterday I announced my intention to introduce companion legislation to U.S. Rep. Martha McSally's (R-Ariz.) bill to eliminate a healthcare exemption for members of Congress that was required to be included in the Senate's health care bill due to procedural requirements under the reconciliation process. Read more about Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Eliminate Healthcare Exemption For Members of Congress

Sessions Applauds Passage of Bill to Strengthen the Doctor - Physician Relationship

After years of hard work, I am delighted that the House passed this important measure to support mobile physicians and the millions of Americans who rely upon their essential services. Read more about Sessions Applauds Passage of Bill to Strengthen the Doctor - Physician Relationship

Jeff Sessions: 400 medical professionals charged in largest health care fraud takedown

House Republicans Unveil Proposed Funding for Construction of Border Wall

Republicans on Capitol Hill have now proposed spending $1.6 billion of your tax dollars – not Mexico’s money – for construction of a physical barrier along the international boundary with Mexico.

The Hill reports: Read more about House Republicans Unveil Proposed Funding for Construction of Border Wall

Patients with Immune Issues Deserve a Normal Life


I introduced legislation this week to help Americans living with immunodeficiency diseases receive affordable, effective treatments – known as Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatments. Specifically, the bill (H.R. 3172) extends a successful Medicare pilot program that allows patients with weakened immune systems to receive care in their homes. Read more about Patients with Immune Issues Deserve a Normal Life

Pakistan’s Long History of Duplicity


The United States has many complex foreign relationships. Being the world’s only superpower requires dealing with the good, the bad and the ugly of nation-states. The good are obvious. They are America’s allies and partners who we share common interests and values. The bad are America’s adversaries, who often sponsor terrorism, undermine our goals, and flaunt their disdain for the United States. Then there are the ugly. Read more about Pakistan’s Long History of Duplicity

Cornyn Op-Ed: Texans Deserve Better Than Obamacare

When Republicans in Congress began working on our health care reform plan earlier this year, I asked folks from around the state to tell me about their experiences under Obamacare. The response was overwhelming. Read more about Cornyn Op-Ed: Texans Deserve Better Than Obamacare


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