Louisiana Program Considered "Gold Standard" for Prisoner Rehabilitation


Criminal justice advocates and fiscal conservatives are pointing to a program in Louisiana aimed at skills training for prisoners at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola as a model for how states should go about designing their re-entry programs. The prison offers certain inmates a chance to earn certifications in things like welding, masonry, automotive, and HVAC repair. More than 250 certifications have been awarded since 2010. Read more about Louisiana Program Considered "Gold Standard" for Prisoner Rehabilitation

Cut Taxes in 2017


Let’s Just Cut Taxes.  With yet another health care legislation disaster, it is time for the Congressional GOP to come up with another strategy.  At least, they will have one significant victory.  How about cutting taxes?  You don’t need comprehensive tax reform now but let’s begin the process. Read more about Cut Taxes in 2017

Voting To Help Veterans

Since first being elected to Congress, I’ve been fighting for our veterans to get the care they were promised and earned. This week the House will be voting on more than ten bills to help veterans gain better access to education, mental health care and more. I bet you won't hear much about this in the media. Some of these bills include: Read more about Voting To Help Veterans

Congressman Farenthold Introduces Cell Location Privacy Act

I introduced the Cell Location Privacy Act Thursday to protect the privacy of cell phone users. This bill continues the work of recently retired member of Congress Jason Chaffetz.

This legislation would require local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to obtain a warrant before using a cell site simulator device to locate a cell phone user. These devices, commonly known as stingrays, can capture data by imitating a cell tower. Read more about Congressman Farenthold Introduces Cell Location Privacy Act

Governor Abbott With No Challengers Will Win Reelection!

The historic Sunset Station in San Antonio was the setting for Governor Greg Abbott’s reelection announcement on Friday, July 14. Read more about Governor Abbott With No Challengers Will Win Reelection!

Cornyn & Shared Hope Op-Ed: The Next Battle in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

Former Congresswoman Linda Smith (R-WA-03), President of Shared Hope International, and I authored the following Op-Ed in the The Hill on the fight against human trafficking, highlighting my bill to end this heinous crime, the Abolish Human Trafficking Act: Read more about Cornyn & Shared Hope Op-Ed: The Next Battle in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

National Episcopal Church Urges Defeat of Texas "Bathroom Bill"

In line with concerns that tourism officials have raised about the bathroom bill’s effect on the convention business, Curry and Jennings wrote that the bathroom bill could also keep the national church from holding its 2018 general convention in Austin. Read more about National Episcopal Church Urges Defeat of Texas "Bathroom Bill"

Turner to Trump: “Hold Iran Accountable”


I released the following statement following President Donald Trump’s recertification of the Iran Nuclear Deal: Read more about Turner to Trump: “Hold Iran Accountable”

Culberson Fulfills Agreement with Houston METRO and Gives Houstonians a Voice in THUD Appropriations Bill


I included language in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill fulfilling his 2015 agreement with Houston METRO to give voters the choice in building the University Line project that will run through Texas’ 7th Congressional District. The THUD bill passed the House Appropriations Committee 31-20 yesterday. Read more about Culberson Fulfills Agreement with Houston METRO and Gives Houstonians a Voice in THUD Appropriations Bill

Sessions: Leaving Our Campsite Better Than We Found It


I released the following statement applauding the passage of legislation to phase in implementation of the 2008 and 2015 ozone standards to ensure states have time to properly comply with the appropriate standards: Read more about Sessions: Leaving Our Campsite Better Than We Found It


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