Obama Declares War on America's Gun Owners

US ConstitutionPresident Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor may as well have been a declaration of war against American gun owners. In a well articulated Fox News article, columnist Ken Blackwell questions the ramifications, to American gun owners, of Sotomayor's nomination: “According to Judge Sotomayor, if your state or city bans all guns the way Washington, D.C. Read more about Obama Declares War on America's Gun Owners

Now Here is a GOP Immigration Platform!

Here's an interesting article I ran across the other day written by Victor Davis Hanson. I agree with Hanson that there is no way to pull off a "mass exodus", and that we need to ship back the felons, and perhaps even the newest arrivals, but providing a path to citizenship for the rest? I just don't know about that. One alternative is to provide a positive ID program and allow those that want to remain here to work legally and have them pay their fair share of the tax burden. Not citizenship, but an opportunity to work and remain here legally.

Read more about Now Here is a GOP Immigration Platform!

Public Education Funding: Chasing the Wrong Rabbit


As shown very conclusively in the following information, the solution is not throwing more money at the many deep-rooted problems in the Texas public school system. For the Texas public school system has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

  Read more about Public Education Funding: Chasing the Wrong Rabbit

The Texas State Board of Education Needs Your Support! - URGENT!

Please call and email your Senators (if you do not know who your state senator is you can look it up here) Ask them to amend HB 4294 on the floor of the Senate so that the State Board of Education will have authority over digitized textbooks, instead of the current language which gives all the power to The Texas Education Agency through the Commissioner of Education. Read more about The Texas State Board of Education Needs Your Support! - URGENT!

Immigration Policy Reform Debate - the Scott Braddock Show

Listen to my debate from last night on the Nightly News Roundup with Scott Braddock, KRLD News Radio 1080 AM, Dallas. I face off against Andy Ramirez, from the Law Enforcement Officer Advocates Council, on the topic of immigration reform. Read more about Immigration Policy Reform Debate - the Scott Braddock Show

GOP Outreach?

PattersonA mass rally of Hispanics, led by Hispanic pastors gathers in front of New York Governor David Paterson's office to protest . . .  what?  Gay marriage in New York.

See the National Review Online article here.
Read more about GOP Outreach?

Is California Finally Waking Up?

"Blue State" California voters just voted down tax hikes support by "Ahnold" and his cohorts in the legislature.  Now, the question is whether California voters will demand the next step toward true reform: cutting government spending.  This victory won't be much good without it.
Read more about Is California Finally Waking Up?

A Sad Case Study in Failed Immigration Policy

Below are excerpts from testimony I submitted during a Texas State Affairs Committee hearing on April 21st of this year. I submitted my testimony in an effort to alert Texas legislators about the devastating economic effects the Legal Arizona Workers Act has had on Arizona.

As a businessman that is opening up several new locations in Texas, I wanted to do my best to discourage Texas legislators from passing similar legislation that harmed law abiding employers: Read more about A Sad Case Study in Failed Immigration Policy

Obama's Social Engineering Plan Doomed to Fail

I fully expect to see President Obama’s social engineering plan collapse in late calendar year 2009 and thus all of the debate over the plan will become moot. The collapse will occur because the President has succumbed to the very trait that he accuses CEOs of having in the private sector---overreaching for short-term goals to the detriment of the long-term picture.  In his zeal for instant success for his social engineering agenda, he and his team overlooked some basic numerical facts. Read more about Obama's Social Engineering Plan Doomed to Fail

Visualize Obama budget cut initiative


Do you think $100 Million is a lot of money?  Not when were talking about government spending!  This short video helps you visualize the size of Obamas budget cut initiative when compared with the rest of the federal budget!!

  Read more about Visualize Obama budget cut initiative


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