Stimulus Package = Fiscal Flop


Since February 17th, 2009, the day the president signed the Stimulus Bill into law, we have seen:

  • 1,597,000 jobs lost and unemployment numbers at their highest levels in two decades.
  • The president spend billions of your tax dollars.
  • Our nation accrue $511.9 billion in new debt.
  • OMB and CBO revise the FY2009 Deficit projection to $1.84 trillion.
  • The president propose over $600 billion in new taxes – the largest tax increase in American history.

I hand these cards out that itemize the "Nation's Major Fiscal Exposures" to anyone that visits my D.C. or district office.

With friends like these . . .

Is it better to be President Obama's "friend" or something else?

Consider three countries: Britain, Israel, or Iran.  

With whom has Obama taken a harder line?  With whom has Obama been tougher?  Whom does Obama worry more about insulting?

We could probably debate all these questions with arguments pro and con.  Think about that.  Should that be the case?

I suppose the President might say that all of these nations are entitled to equal treatment, equal consideration, and equal deference.   Read more about With friends like these . . .

President Obama Announces New Position: Weather Czar

It was announced today that president Barack Obama has created a new position within the administration: a Weather Czar. The yet to be appointed Weather Czar will be responsible for a pilot program, controlling weather around the United States, and one day, declared Obama, "the entire world." Read more about President Obama Announces New Position: Weather Czar

From North Korea to Hawaii: The Journey of a Missile

Hawaii, home to 1.3 million Americans, and a favorite destination of tourists, soon may not be the tropical paradise it is today. The culprit? A North Korean Taepodong-2 missile. A My Way News article reports that “North Korea may fire [this] long-range ballistic missile toward Hawaii in early July.”

The missile is due to come on July 4, the day American pride is most celebrated - or soon after. Fortunately, an analysis gathered by U.S. reconnaissance satellites speculates that the missile - with a range of up to 4,000 miles- will just fall short of Hawaii's main islands. Even so, ballistic missile at you, it is wise to be at least a little apprehensive. Read more about From North Korea to Hawaii: The Journey of a Missile

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Four Major Myths from the Opposition - Part 1

One of the disturbing facts that makes it very difficult to have a rational discussion about the need for comprehensive immigration reform are a number of myths that are basic assumptions made by the opponents of comprehensive immigration reform that are very hard to overcome. Thus, parties of good faith often talk past each other rather than having a meaningful discussion of necessary changes in immigration laws in order to protect our borders and to make sure we do not have the continuing large scale illegal/undocumented immigration. Those 4 myths are as follows: Read more about Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Four Major Myths from the Opposition - Part 1

Obama: American Healthcare = GM?

EKG, healthcare reform

Obama gave a speech about healthcare "reform" to the American Medical Association, and Reuters reported the following:

Obama took his healthcare campaign to the annual meeting of the influential American Medical Association, which represents 250,000 doctors and has historically been opposed to a bigger government role in healthcare. Read more about Obama: American Healthcare = GM?

Time is Running Out: Veto HB 4294

VETO HB 4294Conservative citizens throughout the state of Texas are building a vocal campaign against the menacing House Bill 4294, which passed the State Legislature in its recent session. It is imperative that we come together and convince our governor, Gov. Rick Perry, to veto this bill- a bill that Dave Mundy from the Houston Education Examiner declares "would further undermine parental authority over what drivel is instilled into their children."

Your Action is Required! 

  • Sign the online petition
  • Call Gov. Perry at 512-463-2000 / 800-252-9600
  • or send a fax Gov. Perry Urgent at 512-463-1849.

From Guantanamo to the Millionaire's Playground: Obama Unfolds a Secret Deal

Bermuda FlagObama's plan to close down the Guantanamo Bay detention center, which he was willing to allocate $80 million towards, has recently caused a stir with the release of four formerly suspected Taliban and al-Qaeda allies. Read more about From Guantanamo to the Millionaire's Playground: Obama Unfolds a Secret Deal

Iran's Election and Pakistan's bombing show that Obama's Cairo Speech Falls on Deaf Ears

Congratulations Obama - Muslims in Pakistan surely displayed their gratitude towards your "soothing" Cairo speech when they bombed a hotel in Peshawar, Pakistan. The bombing of five-star Hotel Pearl Continental, a popular place of stay for foreigners, was responsible in the death of 18 people, including two United Nations top officials. Fifty others were injured. Read more about Iran's Election and Pakistan's bombing show that Obama's Cairo Speech Falls on Deaf Ears


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