Richard Dillon

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Richard Dillon is a long time conservative Republican activist. Raised in Indiana and Ohio, he arrived in Houston 40 years ago to attend Gulf Coast Bible College in the Heights area.

Richard is currently employed as a computer engineer for a fortune 100 company, and has been a poll watcher an d precinct chair for the last 15 years. When time allows, he enjoys music and the shooting sports.

Richard has a strong desire to share the Republican message, encourage conservatives, and call them to action. He seeks to remind those who are like-minded that they are not alone. Richard encourages the need to look for others who share common values so that we can all join together, in a common voice, and seek representatives who reflect their values. More importantly Richard seeks to hold our current elected representatives accountable for their decisions. As co-owner of the global and Texas editions of the, Richard seeks to bring conservative principles to shine the light of truth on areas of darkness on the Left as well as the Right.

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