Following World War II, the collapse of former colonial empires across the Middle East and Africa, rapidly led to the development of anti-colonial movements.These anti-colonial movements developed into a number of...
The threat of terrorism remains a deadly challenge for us and our allies around the globe. In the last four years alone, we have seen the ability of terrorist groups—many of which we had thought we had defeated—to evolve and...
Following the President’s signing of the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law, U.S.
As the war waged in Syria has moved forward with YPG (Kurdish) troops in the North and U.S.-supported FSA and Iraqi Troops in the East, ISIS took major hits and was reduced in operational functionality over 2017.
An estimated 300 Americans attempted to join the Islamic State and other radical Islamist groups in Iraq and Syria, including a small number who rose to senior positions, according to the most detailed report to date on this...
Over the past year, I’ve presented findings from our research that models the threat of Jillennials — or Jihadi Millenials — who fall prey to online radicalization funnels laid out by ISIS, AQAP (Al Qaeda in the Arabian...
I recently issued the following statement regarding the situation involving the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government and the Government of Iraq:
The FBI now says the shooter who killed 58 people and injured 515 others at a Las Vegas concert had no connection to an international terrorist group. The announcement from Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse at a news...
The United States has many complex foreign relationships. Being the world’s only superpower requires dealing with the good, the bad and the ugly of nation-states. The good are obvious. They are America’s allies and partners...
The terrorist attacks that have swept the United Kingdom mark yet another chapter in the long war by violent Islamist extremists against the free world. Terrorism in Europe is not a new phenomenon.
ISIS fighters are regrouping in the Philippines. It was only a year ago that Philippine forces, with help from the U.S. military, retook the city of Marawi after a bloody five-month siege. Reports now suggest that fresh ISIS...
Iran is continuing its march across the Middle East. At this moment, it is consolidating its gains in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, and Iraq. 
The shift by terror organizations to the web around 2005 (Al Qaeda, et al.) moved terrorism from the confines of print material and phone conversations into the mainstream. The impacts felt over the past decade were...
The Russians lied.In 2013, the Russian bear entered into a sweeping agreement with the United States. The deal, Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons would be removed by the middle of 2014.Russia would guarantee this agreement...
ISIS has been routed from Iraq and Syria with an ease and speed that's surprised even the men and women who carried out the mission. Experts say it's a prime example of a campaign promise kept. 
Words matter. But many of us are too busy to research some of the ‘new’ words springing up in society today.  (They’re coming at us fast and furious.) Consequently we assume we understand and move on with life —...
A military chief, General Eduardo Ano, told reporters yesterday, "Isnilon Hapilon and the last of the dreaded Maute brothers, Omarkhayam, are both dead." The Straits Times Reported yesterday that Isnilon Hapilon, the leader...
Catalan police say the van driver is still on the run on Thursday night. Two men have been arrested. More than 100 injured.
Over the past several decades, we have seen an ebb and flow of responses stemming from military incursions and the reprisals of terrorists, the world over. Such was the nature of war, as nation states were well defined and...
 As society grapples with these complex social issues wrought, in part, by the Internet, it's reassuring to know one of the world's biggest online businesses is seeking a solution.



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