Uber, PepsiCo, PayPal and JPMorgan Chase are latest businesses to oppose Texas bathroom bill

TREAT Act Concept Supported by POTUS Commission


I released the following statement after the Commission to Combat Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis recommended that President Donald Trump grant a waiver to the states to eliminate barriers to substance abuse treatment caused by the federal Institutes for Mental Diseases (IMD) exclusion within the Medicaid program: Read more about TREAT Act Concept Supported by POTUS Commission

The high cost of unreliable power

U.S. Reps. DelBene and Farenthold: Congress can reduce startup barriers to invest in America’s future

One of our nation’s greatest strengths is the entrepreneurial spirit of its people. Throughout our history, Americans from all walks of life have always strived to turn their ideas and dreams into thriving businesses, making significant contributions to the economy along the way. Today, we see startups across the country making a real difference in the lives of Americans everywhere. Read more about U.S. Reps. DelBene and Farenthold: Congress can reduce startup barriers to invest in America’s future

New Texas laws go into effect on Sept. 1

Building America’s Trust

After months of talking with those who live and work along the Texas border and my colleagues in Congress, this past week I introduced border security legislation called the Building America’s Trust Act.

This bill presents a strategic plan to secure the border focused on three main things: increase resources at our borders, boost trade through ports of entry, and strengthen enforcement of existing laws. Read more about Building America’s Trust

Texas Lawmakers Take Aim at Local Construction Permits

With time running short in a special session of the Texas Legislature, a couple of bills aimed at expediting construction permits in cities seem to be languishing along with other controversial proposals. Read more about Texas Lawmakers Take Aim at Local Construction Permits

25 Days ‘Til “Health Care Doomsday” Could Strike Texas


The Texas Medical Association (TMA), representing more than 50,000 physicians and medical students, today launched the “Texas Health Care Doomsday Calendar Countdown” awareness campaign to let the public know about the dire and shocking crisis ahead for our state if the legislature fails to pass a Sunset continuation bill for the Te Read more about 25 Days ‘Til “Health Care Doomsday” Could Strike Texas

With Time Running Short, Pro-Life Reforms Moving Forward in Special Session

With pro-life Republican Governor Abbott at the helm, and pro-life Republicans Joe Straus and Dan Patrick leading in the House and Senate, Texas continues to set the standard for protecting the unborn. Read more about With Time Running Short, Pro-Life Reforms Moving Forward in Special Session

Article V: Defend Not Amend


It is called by many names: Constitutional Convention, Con-Con, Convention of States, Article V Convention.

But just because we can have one, doesn’t mean we should have one. In fact, the opposite is true. Read more about Article V: Defend Not Amend


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