Cornyn Statement on Start of NAFTA Renegotiations

Today’s modern economy looks very different than it did more than two decades ago when NAFTA was enacted. NAFTA has been a major economic driver for Texas, but there’s still a need to modernize this agreement to reflect the diversity of today’s economy. Read more about Cornyn Statement on Start of NAFTA Renegotiations

No 'Bathroom Bill' in Texas

Houston, We Have a Problem


You've heard about the Confederate Statues being torn down in other areas of the United States. Seems that the Spirit of the Confederacy statue in Houston is not immune to that same fate. Mayor Sylvester Turner has just agreed TODAY to launch a study of confederate statues. Read more about Houston, We Have a Problem

Sen. Cruz Urges Department of Justice to Investigate Acts of Domestic Terrorism in Charlottesville

Earlier this week, I called on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to launch an investigation into the acts of domestic terrorism that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia on Friday and Saturday. Read more about Sen. Cruz Urges Department of Justice to Investigate Acts of Domestic Terrorism in Charlottesville

Legislature still struggling to fulfill Abbott's demand on trees

Distinctive Face Tattoo Lands Knife-Wielding Robber in Jail


A man who allegedly used a knife to rob a Walgreens drug store on the outskirts of Houston is in jail after police identified him from a very distinctive facial tattoo. Read more about Distinctive Face Tattoo Lands Knife-Wielding Robber in Jail

Visiting Small Businesses In South Texas


Last week, I visited some Texas-27 small businesses including Venom Outdoor and Oscar’s Pest and Termite Control.  Read more about Visiting Small Businesses In South Texas

Texas’ Special Session May End Without Bathroom Bill Passage

Sen. Cruz Urges Department of Justice to Investigate Acts of Domestic Terrorism in Charlottesville


Over the weekend, I called on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to launch an investigation into the acts of domestic terrorism that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia on Friday and Saturday. Read more about Sen. Cruz Urges Department of Justice to Investigate Acts of Domestic Terrorism in Charlottesville

How many Non-Citizens Vote?


How many illegal aliens vote is a question that has yet to be answered, but Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity headed by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is attempting to find an answer. Read more about How many Non-Citizens Vote?


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