The Fiscal Case for a Clean DREAM Act

Responding to President Trump’s cancellation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Congress is moving toward a compromise that could legalize the DREAMers in combination with more immigration enforcement and cutting legal immigration through the RAISE Act.  This blog estimates the fiscal effects of these policies. Read more about The Fiscal Case for a Clean DREAM Act

Three 100+ Year Floods In Three Years Means Flood Control Needs To Be Number One


Symbolic of poor planning and neglect of our regional flooding problem, the City of Houston has a proposed bond issue for November of around $1.6 billion, and the amount for flood control is zero! This time we need to get it right. Bring the best and brightest together and let's come up with an innovative solution that works and get it done. Read more about Three 100+ Year Floods In Three Years Means Flood Control Needs To Be Number One

Hand in Hand: George Strait, Beyonce, others to hold Hurricane Harvey relief concert

Cornyn, Klobuchar Bill to Fight Human Trafficking Passes Senate

The Abolish Human Trafficking Act, bipartisan legislation sponsored by U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), passed the Senate yesterday.  The legislation strengthens and reauthorizes key programs that support survivors of human trafficking and provides resources to law enforcement officials on the front lines of the fight against modern-day slavery.  Read more about Cornyn, Klobuchar Bill to Fight Human Trafficking Passes Senate

WATCH: Floridians Rescue Trapped Manatees after Irma Sucks Water out of Bay


Floridians risked their lives to rescue manatees trapped on the bottom of a suddenly dry bed of sand that just a few moments earlier was Sarasota Bay. Hurricane Irma succeeded in sucking all of the water out of the bay, leaving a few manatees stranded. Read more about WATCH: Floridians Rescue Trapped Manatees after Irma Sucks Water out of Bay

Remembering Staff Sergeant Steve Perez


As Hurricane Harvey rampaged across Texas, the heavens opened up and 50 inches of rain hammered down on the Houston area. Read more about Remembering Staff Sergeant Steve Perez

After Harvey deluge, a sales surge

Cornyn Remembers September 11th Terror Attacks, Urges Passage of Defense Bill

Today on the Senate floor, I commemorated the 16th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and discussed the importance of passing the National Defense Authorization Act to provide for our nation’s military. Excerpts of my remarks are below, and video of my remarks can be found here. Read more about Cornyn Remembers September 11th Terror Attacks, Urges Passage of Defense Bill

Sen. Cruz: ‘In the Face of Evil, American Strength, Patriotism, and Courage Prevailed’


Today, on the sixteenth anniversary of one of our nation’s darkest hours, we pause and remember the thousands of innocent lives lost, and the heroism of firefighters, law enforcement officials, first responders, and Good Samaritans who rushed into crumbling buildings to save lives. Read more about Sen. Cruz: ‘In the Face of Evil, American Strength, Patriotism, and Courage Prevailed’

Building America’s Trust

After months of talking with those who live and work along the Texas border and my colleagues in Congress, this past week I introduced border security legislation called the Building America’s Trust Act.

This bill presents a strategic plan to secure the border focused on three main things: increase resources at our borders, boost trade through ports of entry, and strengthen enforcement of existing laws. Read more about Building America’s Trust


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