Gary Polland

Gary Polland has been a practicing attorney for more than 30 years. His practice is a mix of government relations for Texas Strategies and trial work where he is Board Certified in Civil Trial law. Gary has a distinguished record of obtaining favorable results for his clients. Most recently he was honored by his selection in Texas Justice, a recent book about outstanding Texas lawyers and historical courthouses.
Gary served as Republican Chairman in Harris County Texas from 1996 to 2002 being overwhelmingly elected each time. As Chairman, he earned national recognition for the party's success and for his Republican party-building efforts in such publications as Human Events, the national conservative weekly the American Spectator, the Houston Chronicle, and Inside Houston Magazine.
Gary's political alliances are widespread from the White House to the United States Senate and House. In Texas, Gary is a trusted advisor to local, state and national officials.
Gary is a committed community and national leader. He has served locally as a member of the Executive Committee of the Community Relations Commission and in January 2006 was the leader of the Texas Legislative Mission to Israel.
Gary is author of the book, A Time for Choosing 35 Years Later, an update of President Reagan's classic speech. He is editor of the bi-weekly e-letter, Texas Conservative Review, and co-host of the weekly show, Red, White and Blue, on HoustonPBS.
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