Jason Villalba
August 10th, 2017
Welcome to the Second Edition of this Special Session's Capitol Report.
April 10th, 2017
The clock begins its inexorable tick to closing time and Republican members of the Texas Legislature such as myself are left to contemplate that which will define the session and our political legacies. Most of us will hew...
June 10th, 2015
As the dust settles from the tumult of another Legislative Session and as the punditry class begins to opine on the winners and losers of our grand, biennial, Texas conversation, it seems clear to me that when we work...
February 18th, 2015
I filed a bill that provides that straight-ticket party balloting would no longer apply to non-policy making elected offices such as judges, district attorney and sheriffs. This bill will ensure that our judges and district...
August 14th, 2014
On Wednesday, September 17th, I will be participating in an event organized by Dallas Children's Advocacy Center to showcase "Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse", an educational video and companion booklet developed to...
June 24th, 2014
On Friday, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus created the Select Committee on Economic Development Incentives, which will assess the economic benefit provided by state and local incentive programs and make recommendations to...
June 6th, 2014
As the delegates to the Texas Republican State Convention gather to craft the Party’s message for the general election cycle, no issue seems to animate the base more than illegal immigration. While the delegates will...
June 7th, 2017
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main... Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells...
September 11th, 2015
On this day we remember what it means to be an American. I will never forget watching the events unfold with Brooke as our world changed forever. We must never forget the lessons that we learned together that day.
April 9th, 2015
We are making substantial progress in the 84th Legislative Session and the excitement is increasing every day.
September 3rd, 2014
On Wednesday, September 17th, I will be participating in an event organized by Dallas Children's Advocacy Center to showcase "Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse", an educational video and companion booklet developed to...
July 24th, 2014
On Saturday, October 4th, I encourage you and your loved ones to join me at Royal Lane Baptist Church for to participate in free screenings as a part of the National Alzheimer's Foundation's Community Memory Screenings and...
June 17th, 2014
On Thursday, June 19th, Texas State Representative Jason Villalba will host two town halls in House District 114. The first will take place at the Lake Highlands YMCA and the second will take place at the Town North YMCA....