HuffPo: Democrat Scandals Offer Clear Optics


I love the term “optics,” as it relates to politics. The Democrat’s convention offers pretty clear optics. DNC Chairwoman has resigned, and Hillary Clinton remains under fire for her shenanigans. Talk about your clear optics. Two powerful women, both under fire and in what’s supposed to be their finest hour? Read more about HuffPo: Democrat Scandals Offer Clear Optics

New Portion of Alamo Wall Found in Archeological Dig


Photos released by the Texas General Land Office (GLO) on Monday reveal the discovery of a previously unseen, in modern times, section of the Alamo complex. The excavation team uncovered adobe bricks that appear to be of the type of material used to build the original structures of the iconic Texas landmark. Read more about New Portion of Alamo Wall Found in Archeological Dig

What I Learned at the Anti-Democratic Convention

Ain’t no way I’m watching the Democratic Convention.

Especially when I can be enjoying myself this week at the Mises Institute's “Mises University” program, which is the anti-Democratic Convention.

Here, students learn how society and economy order themselves without central planning, speech codes, or community activists. Read more about What I Learned at the Anti-Democratic Convention

A Year Later, the Iran Deal is Even More Dangerous Than Imagined

‘The most troubling part of this saga is that the President and his team didn’t dedicate their time to crafting a deal with real teeth to hold Iran accountable. Instead, they distorted the truth to create a fairy tale.’


This month marks the one-year anniversary of the Obama administration’s one-sided nuclear agreement with Iran, which I couldn’t support then and continue to oppose now. Read more about A Year Later, the Iran Deal is Even More Dangerous Than Imagined

A Quick Guide to Understanding How ISIS Perverts Islam To Recruit Its Followers


For too long, the canard of “Radical Islam” has been tossed around by our politicians as a catch-all bucket to explain the horrors of terrorism that occur here and abroad. “Radical Islam” was a term coined in the late 80s to describe the weaponization of the Taliban in Afghanistan and their turning against the West. It also applied to Al Qaeda, Al Shabab and a number of militant groups, but over the past 25 years, the landscape has changed. Read more about A Quick Guide to Understanding How ISIS Perverts Islam To Recruit Its Followers

ISIS Says Its 'Soldiers' Attacked Church in France, Killing Priest

Democrat Convention: Where Killing Cops is Condoned


The Democrats sorely need a distraction; a huge distraction. They know the best way to distract is with false narratives. So know the Democrats will showcase every whiny special interest group on the planet, as they play to their nonsensical whims. Read more about Democrat Convention: Where Killing Cops is Condoned

Cornyn Announces Bill to Hold Countries Accountable for Refusing to Repatriate Dangerous Foreign Nationals

The Remedies for Refusal of Repatriation Act, or “Casey’s Law,” ensures that when countries put Americans at risk by refusing to accept deported criminals, those countries are held accountable.

Dear Hillary, What about DNC Racism and Accountability?


Last Week, Wikileaks released a trove of DNC emails that showed a wide range of racism across the DNC.

The key issues have been the DNC’s plotting to leverage Bernie Sanders Jewish heritage or purported current Atheist affiliation against him. Add to this a number of emails that detail Democrat staffers and party leaders making fun of blacks and we have a critical questions to ask. Read more about Dear Hillary, What about DNC Racism and Accountability?

Michael Moore: Trump ‘absolutely’ winning the GOP nomination


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