Texas Transportation: Still Much Work To Do

Living in Texas metropolitan areas, given as our economy has slowed, we all understand that the roads are deteriorating, the congestion is getting worse almost to the point of L.A. style traffic in Houston, Austin, and Dallas! Read more about Texas Transportation: Still Much Work To Do

36th Police Officer Killed by Gunfire in Line of Duty This Year

Hatch New Mexico Police Officer Jose Chavez became the 35th law enforcement officer to be shot and killed in the line of duty in 2016. The year got off to a bad start with flurry of officers being murdered in the first two months alone. Things got progressively worse from there. Read more about 36th Police Officer Killed by Gunfire in Line of Duty This Year

El Paso's Fort Bliss Is a Crucial Base for Those Who Serve on the Front Lines to Keep Our Nation Secure

Last week I joined Major General Robert White, Colonel Michael J. Hester, Mr. Bob Burns, and Mr. Jorge Rio on an aerial tour of Fort Bliss and discussed with base leadership their goals and needs for the base over the long term.  Read more about El Paso's Fort Bliss Is a Crucial Base for Those Who Serve on the Front Lines to Keep Our Nation Secure

California: Wrong Lesson For Texas' Future

Having just returned from California, it's time to ask, is this our future? Basically, we see two roads for America, the Texas road or California road.

California taxes: High taxes, sales, income, gas, property are the highest in the country.
Texas taxes: Sales, gas, and property, and only latter considered to be too high. Read more about California: Wrong Lesson For Texas' Future

Cornyn Presses AG Lynch on Recommendation to Investigate Clinton Foundation


Friday I sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch demanding answers following media reports that the Department of Justice declined an FBI recommendation to pursue a criminal investigation into the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Read more about Cornyn Presses AG Lynch on Recommendation to Investigate Clinton Foundation

The Most Important Election of our Lifetime


After the Republican Convention in Cleveland was over, it took me few weeks to sit down and gather my thoughts to write this. The truth is: this has been the most out-of-the-ordinary Republican Convention that I have ever attended, and I had mixed feelings during the whole event. Read more about The Most Important Election of our Lifetime

Thailand bomb blasts target Phuket and Hua Hin tourist spots

Remains of WWII Pilot Returned to Texas for Burial After 71 Years


The remains of a WWII pilot missing since his plane disappeared in 1945 were returned to Texas on Wednesday for burial with full military honors. The remains were found at the crash-site of a C-47B cargo plane in Malaysia in 2010. Read more about Remains of WWII Pilot Returned to Texas for Burial After 71 Years

Trump Needs To Learn A Little "Political", Hillary Still "Looking" For Truth And Can't Find It


It was a strange week or so, and, like many, we are scratching our head as to who Trump thinks his opponent is, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Ryan, John McCain, or Khizr Khan? Read more about Trump Needs To Learn A Little "Political", Hillary Still "Looking" For Truth And Can't Find It

Hillary Clinton’s agenda would flounder in Congress. Here are seven reasons why.


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