NY Man Proves Election Fraud


A New York man knows the deal. Elections are being stolen in this country, and it’s at the hands of Democrats, who have taken election fraud to new levels.

We all know that election fraud occurs. Democrats downplay it, noting “anecdotal” prosecutions of those caught. They say, “It’s only a handful!” as if fraud at certain levels should be overlooked. Read more about NY Man Proves Election Fraud

Common Arguments against Immigration

Arguments against immigration come across my desk every day but their variety is limited – rarely do I encounter a unique one.  Several times a year I give presentations about these arguments and rebut their points.  These are the main arguments against immigration and my quick responses to them:

1.  “Immigrants will take our jobs and lower our wages, especially hurting the poor.” Read more about Common Arguments against Immigration

Good Guys With Guns Stop Armed Robbers in Texas Whataburger

Two armed men picked the wrong Whataburger to rob early Monday. As the attempted robbery unfolded, they discovered two off-duty Harris County sheriff’s deputies were dining in the restaurant. One robber was shot and the other escaped. Read more about Good Guys With Guns Stop Armed Robbers in Texas Whataburger

Newly released Clinton emails shed light on relationship between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

Brownsville Secures Grant for Transportation Improvements

The City of Brownsville has received a $10 million Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to improve the city’s bus and bicycle and pedestrian systems. Read more about Brownsville Secures Grant for Transportation Improvements

Has Trump Lost the Election?


Looking at the 2016 election, much of what I have written about is coming to pass. For many voters including myself; both candidates are seriously flawed candidates and also possibly lacking any fortitude or character to be President. The other aspect is that both candidates are the two weakest candidates ever to be nominated and they are the only candidate the other could possibly beat. Read more about Has Trump Lost the Election?

Can Republicans Vote for Hillary?


There are three options for conservatives that I can understand and one that is totally unforgivable. For many conservatives and quite a few Republicans (including many who are planning to vote for Trump), they have have serious reservations about Trump. Trump is the most seriously flawed candidate the GOP has nominated in my life time and concerns about Trump are center around the following areas. Read more about Can Republicans Vote for Hillary?

Clear Alternative for Bernie or Bust Voters, Says Green Party Nominee Dr. Jill Stein

Dr. Jill Stein presented herself as a clear alternative for the Bernie or Bust voters while accepting the presidential nomination of the Green Party of the United States.

“We are what democracy looks like and we are what political revolution looks like,” Stein told the cheering crowd in a packed University of Houston theater. “I am honored beyond words to be your candidate.” Read more about Clear Alternative for Bernie or Bust Voters, Says Green Party Nominee Dr. Jill Stein

Russians Didn’t Hack DNC Email


Surprised to learn that it wasn’t the Russians who hacked the DNC email system?

As it turns out, the Russian story was likely just a cover. Subterfuge. More Democrats’ “look over there” strategy meant to accomplish two things. Read more about Russians Didn’t Hack DNC Email

Cooked Books: Reuters Poll


Cooked books. That’s an accounting term for not reporting the real numbers. When it comes to Democrats, cooked books are no surprise. That’s what a recent Reuters poll appears to have done.

There is no way Hillary Clinton could be ahead of Trump in the polls on the heels of the FBI investigation, the revelations from the DNC hack, and the contention at the convention. Reuters cooked polls are the only answer. Read more about Cooked Books: Reuters Poll


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