Pence Is The One And A Great Choice


If Donald Trump plans to show voters what to expect from a Trump presidency, then he has done two things so far to increase our confidence in him. First, it was the distinguished list of judges to be considered for the Supreme Court. Second, the Governor Pence appointment.

Pence has an impressive record of getting things done, both in Congress and as Governor of Indiana.

As stated by Chris Sikich of the Indianapolis Star: Read more about Pence Is The One And A Great Choice

Foreign Aid Act Signed into Law


Last week President Obama signed the bipartisan Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act (HR 3766) into law. I am pleased to hear that the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act has been signed into law. A rigorous evaluation of our foreign aid system is completely necessary. For over 50 years, the United States has been operating on an outdated system. Read more about Foreign Aid Act Signed into Law

DNC chairwoman will resign in aftermath of committee email controversy

Sen. Timothy M. Kaine of Virginia chosen as Hillary Clinton’s VP

Three Texans Busted in Minor Sex Sting


Three Texas men are in a Waller County Jail after allegedly attempting to meet up with a minor for the purpose of having sex. The men were busted in an online solicitation sting where they thought they were chatting with a 14-year-old female.

The sting was carried out by investigators working for Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis in cooperation with Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith. Read more about Three Texans Busted in Minor Sex Sting

Nothing to Fear In Article V


The Convention of States Project has made huge inroads into educating Americans about what the FOUNDERS themselves put into our Constitution as a remedy to an overreaching federal government, who they presciently observed could become so onerous as to thwart the will of the people. Recently Texas Governor Greg Abbott has joined the call for an Article V amending convention when he proposed his Texas Plan. None the less, the anti-Constitutional folks continue to trot out time-worn arguments against such a solution. Read more about Nothing to Fear In Article V

Cruz Shines At RNC Convention - I Want To Be Free!

Will the Republicans fall for the mainstream media commentary on what came down at the Republican National Convention concerning Ted Cruz’ speech?

Protecting Texans from Zika Requires Action, Not Gamesmanship

Last week, the first Zika-related case of microcephaly was reported in Texas. The next day, for the second time, Democrats in the United States Senate filibustered legislation that could have helped stop the spread of the Zika virus in Texas and across the United States. In doing so, they chose partisanship over sound public health policy and empty words over action. Read more about Protecting Texans from Zika Requires Action, Not Gamesmanship

Reducing Immigration Will Not Satisfy Trump Voters, and It’s a Bad Idea Anyway


Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam’s recent New York Times article laying out a policy response to Trumpism argues, in part, that their preferred immigration policy will help the GOP avoid the likes of a demagogic megalomaniac such as Donald Trump. Read more about Reducing Immigration Will Not Satisfy Trump Voters, and It’s a Bad Idea Anyway

Turkish Coup: Remember When Foreign Policy Worked

What the world witnesses in the Turkish coup attempt is a direct result of the foreign policy of Barack Obama, ergo the residual of Hillary Clinton’s failed job as Secretary of State. The woman who presided over Arab Spring, and a host of other foreign policy failures has her finger prints all over this one, commingled with those of John Kerry. For many, the Turkish coup is no accident. Read more about Turkish Coup: Remember When Foreign Policy Worked


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