Mark Ramsey
April 22nd, 2020
There is a stunning side-effect to the shutting down of the world’s economic engines.Simply put, we are living through an historic experiment to see what the elimination of fossil fuel would actually accomplish in terms of...
March 23rd, 2020
We have a figurative war on our hands, but not against enemy bullets. It is not against the Coronavirus itself.
January 17th, 2019
Mark Twain famously quipped, “No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."1
July 22nd, 2016
The Convention of States Project has made huge inroads into educating Americans about what the FOUNDERS themselves put into our Constitution as a remedy to an overreaching federal government, who they presciently...
February 29th, 2016
There are easy ways to spot a fake political mailer. NOTE ALL PICTURES ARE FROM FAKE MAILERS and HANDOUTS.
February 15th, 2016
This Primary, if you vote in the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY only, you will have four propositions to vote on at the end of the ballot.
November 10th, 2015
This Saturday, November 14, there is a potential game-changing event being held for the very first time in the Houston area.
September 14th, 2015
The US House of Representatives passed a major bill that, if passed by the Senate and signed into law, would pre-empt States from enacting labeling laws relating to genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
May 14th, 2015
Representative Rogers: “Mr. Chairman, I request that the dialogue between myself and Representative Smith be placed in the Journal to be used for legislative intent.”The Chair: “Any objection. Hearing none so ordered.”
March 18th, 2015
In all the news of the Israel election, there were yet other blows to progressives Tuesday. The ability of the EPA to do essentially whatever it wants was soundly criticized yesterday by Harvard's Constitutional Law uber-...
April 16th, 2020
We have a figurative war on our hands, but not against enemy bullets. It is not against the Coronavirus itself.
October 18th, 2019
We have listened. We have listened to both our constituents and now, to the audio recording of the meeting between Speaker Bonnen, Chair Burrows, and Michael Quinn Sullivan.
October 21st, 2016
Never once did we have to kill that child in order to save mom’s life. In other words, ending the pregnancy by delivering the baby is sufficient to save the mother. Killing the child does not improve maternal survival. To...
July 14th, 2016
A little known but controversial development, an environmental group is in the odd position of opposing land restoration on an old oilfield. The 400-acre parcel of land, called Banning Ranch, has had oil production since the...
February 23rd, 2016
In my capacity as a member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC), I keep my eye out for things that would seem to contradict policies of the Party. One policy is that while individual members are free to endorse...
December 13th, 2015
Please share and forward to your Congressman or woman ASAP.The State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) held its quarterly meeting in Austin this weekend. One of the many things...
September 30th, 2015
The House and Senate Rs really do need to figure out a way to run things. Lead. Take charge.
August 4th, 2015
News continues to get worse for the former head of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), Dr. Rajendra Pachauri. The former top man at IPCC last week resigned from his remaining job, head of...
May 4th, 2015
The Senate has passed a property tax cut. The House has passed a sales tax cut. The Senate, led by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, followed the clear will of the people and delivered on their...
February 28th, 2015
Competition is GOOD. Period. Government regulation stifles competition. Period. Ergo most government regulation is NOT GOOD.