Ted Cruz would run in 2020 even if Trump is president, RNC official says

Questioning the FBI's Recommendation


There is one justice system in the United States, and one set of laws that we all must follow. When those laws are not respected, there are consequences – unless you’re former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Read more about Questioning the FBI's Recommendation

Friendly Faces in the U.S. Capitol


Aiming to get away this summer?

If you land in the nation’s capital, you may see more familiar faces than you would expect. And while I’m willing to bet you’ll recognize two Texas icons, I won’t make the same bet that they will recognize you.

That’s because those familiar faces, Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin, are chiseled from marble and placed in the halls of the United States Capitol.

These two statues were sent by the Texas State Legislature to represent us as a reminder of the storied history and distinct culture of the Lone Star State. Read more about Friendly Faces in the U.S. Capitol

It's Official: Trump Wins GOP Presidential Nomination

Pakistan's Safe Havens For Terrorists


On May 21, 2016, a U.S. drone strike killed the leader of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Mansour. To no one’s surprise, at the time of his death Mansour was in southwestern Pakistan. The drone strike Pakistan’s longstanding support for terrorist groups.

For example, Pakistan openly supported the Afghan Taliban both before and after the extremists took control of Kabul in 1996. Read more about Pakistan's Safe Havens For Terrorists

Riveting post by black police officer confronts BLM with raw honesty and EVERY American needs to see it

Police Across Texas Report an Outpouring of Support After Dallas Ambush


Across the Lone Star State, Texans are showing love and support for law enforcement officers. The support is coming from spontaneous random acts of kindness towards police to fund raising benefits on behalf of police groups. Read more about Police Across Texas Report an Outpouring of Support After Dallas Ambush

Anti-Trump forces make-last ditch effort

Protecting the Conscience of American Citizens

Last week, the House passed the Conscience Protection Act of 2016, sponsored by Rep. Diane Black. This bill protects those who object to terminating the life of an unborn child from being penalized for not performing an abortion.

Read more about Protecting the Conscience of American Citizens

Something's Rotten in Cleveland: Pop-Culture Confusion on the Rules Committee


My wife has voted Republican as long as we’ve been married; 29 years. Shortly into this primary season with Donald Trump already leading among the large field of candidates, she told me she would not vote for Donald Trump. I said I wouldn’t either, but “Don’t worry. Read more about Something's Rotten in Cleveland: Pop-Culture Confusion on the Rules Committee


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