Contact National Convention Rules Committee Members if You Want a Real Conservative Nominee


This article describes delegate rules committee member Kendal Unruh's agenda to suggest a rule that will reinforce the existing rules that national convention delegates are responsible only to the multi-level convention participants who elected them and their personal conscience that was entrusted Read more about Contact National Convention Rules Committee Members if You Want a Real Conservative Nominee

FBI recommends no criminal charges in Clinton email probe

Political Correctness Obliterates Common Sense – Part 1


During the Republican Debates, Governor Jeb Bush, and Senator Marco Rubio were asked, “Do you believe young women should sign up for Selective Service?” Senator Marco Rubio stated, "I do believe that selective service should be opened up for men and women.” Jeb Bush agreed, "We should not impose any kind of political agenda on the military“ but hedged his answer by stating that the draft is not going to be reinstated. Read more about Political Correctness Obliterates Common Sense – Part 1

Attack on Camp Liberty


This weekend, Camp Liberty once again came under heavy fire when some 50 rockets rained down on the home of Iranian dissidents living there. This latest attack on the Camp is unfortunately not a surprise. Empty promises from our State Department to protect the residents of Camp Liberty has delivered nothing but more violence. Iraq cannot and does not want to protect these freedom fighters. Read more about Attack on Camp Liberty

Celebrating America’s Independence Day


July 4th marks the 240th anniversary of the United States’ declaration of its independence from England. Facing impossible odds, our fledgling nation took up arms in the name of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Today, we celebrate these ideals of liberty and life with fireworks, bar-b-cues, and the company of friends and family. We must never forget, however, the battle for freedom is ongoing. Read more about Celebrating America’s Independence Day

Baghdad attacks kill 126, including 25 children; ISIS claims responsibility

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Dhaka Attack and Hostage Standoff

Cornyn on Fox: Lynch Should Appoint Special Counsel in Clinton Email Probe

‘It’s really part of a larger narrative of the Clintons acting like the rules that apply to you and everyone else don’t apply to them.’

Following media reports that Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton earlier this week, I appeared on Fox News’ On the Record with Greta Van Susteren Thursday to renew my call for Lynch to appoint a special counsel to oversee the investigation into former Secretary of St Read more about Cornyn on Fox: Lynch Should Appoint Special Counsel in Clinton Email Probe

Bill Clinton’s Totally Accidental Meeting with the Woman Investigating His Wife


Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch happened to be at the same place at the same time, so as a courtesy, Bill met with Loretta Lynch.

Now I’ve only watched 10 seasons of Law and Order…SVU, Criminal Intent, and just plain old regular L&O, and I know that this happenstance meeting would be considered collusion by even the casual observer. Read more about Bill Clinton’s Totally Accidental Meeting with the Woman Investigating His Wife

Should We Destroy Industrial Civilization? (No)


Last week I came across the kind of person I had previously thought was the stuff of right-wing folklore. No, they’re real.

Evidently among my Facebook friends I have someone who converted from anarcho-capitalism to “green anarchism” or something. Read more about Should We Destroy Industrial Civilization? (No)


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