What Mike Pence Brings to the Republican Ticket


Mike Pence brings boredom to the ticket, and that in itself is not bad thing, while adding a seriousness of a candidate who has both legislative and executive experience. With a candidate on the top of the ticket who is not very much trusted nor well-liked, this leaves in the voter mind that at least one member of the GOP ticket can be trusted with the oval office. Read more about What Mike Pence Brings to the Republican Ticket

Trump's Choice of Gov. Pence To Be His Running Mate


Friday morning, our presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, confirmed that Indiana Governor Mike Pence would be his running mate. Read more about Trump's Choice of Gov. Pence To Be His Running Mate

Texas Rep. Ted Poe diagnosed with leukemia

Terror Attack in Nice, France

Our close ally France is reeling from yet another major attack apparently carried out by radical Islamic terrorists. Read more about Terror Attack in Nice, France

Congressman Poe on Nice, France Attacks


Last night, a cowardly terrorist plowed a heavy truck full of weapons and explosives into the crowds who were gathered to celebrate Bastille Day in Nice, France. The killer, identified by police sources as a 31-year-old Tunisian-born Frenchman opened fire before officers killed him. Now more than ever is a time to be vigilant about our counterterrorism efforts. Read more about Congressman Poe on Nice, France Attacks

Political Correctness Obliterates Common Sense – Part 2

Of Alinsky’s Rules, Rule #5 is “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” It is the left’s most used and overworked tactic.

At least 77 dead, 20 seriously injured in Bastille Day terror attack in France

California Environmental Group Opposes Land Restoration - Judges Old Oilfield to be an Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area!


A little known but controversial development, an environmental group is in the odd position of opposing land restoration on an old oilfield. The 400-acre parcel of land, called Banning Ranch, has had oil production since the 1940’s. It has been closed to the public for over 70 years. The ranch has produced nearly 36 million barrels of oil over the decades, though today it is only about a tenth of its original size.1 Read more about California Environmental Group Opposes Land Restoration - Judges Old Oilfield to be an Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area!

Commercial Construction Has a “Golden Opportunity” in Texas


Nearly $1 billion in planned construction of state-owned buildings in Texas represents a “golden opportunity” for commercial builders, according to a key official who said this is being done in a conservative way that will end up saving taxpayer dollars in the long term. Read more about Commercial Construction Has a “Golden Opportunity” in Texas

Protecting Medical Professionals from Abortion Coercion

No American should be discriminated against for their pro-life stance or be forced to participate in the brutal act of abortion. Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed S. 304, the Conscience Protection Act. This bill, among other measures, reaffirms protections found in the Weldon amendment that protects states and localities receiving federal funds from discrimination. Read more about Protecting Medical Professionals from Abortion Coercion


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