Families and Fellow Officers Honor Victims of Dallas Sniper

Cornyn, Cruz, Tillis Introduce Back the Blue Act

Bill would increase penalties against violent criminals who deliberately target law enforcement

Bill would increase penalties against violent criminals who deliberately target law enforcement.

Planned Parenthood: Blacks Need Reproductive Justice


Planned Parenthood is the organization established by a woman who called blacks “human weeds,” wants to get black people “reproductive justice.”

Planned Parenthood, the organization that kills more blacks than all diseases combined now wants to get black people “reproductive justice.”

What could the Cecile Richards, president of Planned Genocide of Blacks Parenthood possibly want with Alton Sterling? Read more about Planned Parenthood: Blacks Need Reproductive Justice

Honoring the Victims of Dallas Attack

Last Thursday night, hundreds gathered in downtown Dallas to engage in a peaceful protest. Dozens of police officers were on hand to make sure that these protesters could exercise their rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Protesters even snapped pictures of themselves with the officers in a show of harmony, underscoring the peaceful nature of the event. Read more about Honoring the Victims of Dallas Attack

Sanders finally endorses Hillary. But there are still lots of problems ahead

Texas Governor Hospitalized, Forced to Miss Dallas Police Funerals


Officials with Governor Greg Abbott’s office announced Monday afternoon that he has been hospitalized for treatments related to burns suffered late last week. Abbott was burned by scalding water on both legs below the knees and his feet. Read more about Texas Governor Hospitalized, Forced to Miss Dallas Police Funerals

Republican Delegates Must Reclaim Their Stolen Party: Reject Trump and the Establishment System That Spawned Him


No, Donald Trump is not the thief. He took advantage of the party establishment’s corrupted process. Calculating party officials arranged open and winner-take all primaries with hopes of achieving a “moderate” winner in short fashion. For the most part, it worked, unless you expected to win. But this year that process has bitten the party, and hard. George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney all lost. Read more about Republican Delegates Must Reclaim Their Stolen Party: Reject Trump and the Establishment System That Spawned Him

Reflecting on Recent Events

Last week, our nation faced several terrible tragedies. After the police shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, five police officers - Brent Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Lorne Ahrens, and Michael Smith - were shot at what started out as a peaceful protest in Dallas. Read more about Reflecting on Recent Events

America Needs A Racial Detente


America is caught in a cultural crossfire that’s decades in the making. From Rodney King to Amadou Diallo to the latest deaths – there has been far too much tone deafness with how we treat civilian and police lives. Read more about America Needs A Racial Detente

We Must Keep the Internet Free


I delivered a speech at The Heritage Foundation calling on Congress to keep the Internet free and prevent President Obama’s dangerous Internet giveaway. In the speech, I outlined my concerns with the Obama administration and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ (ICANN) proposal to end United States government oversight of key operating functions of the Internet. Read more about We Must Keep the Internet Free


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