Trump's Choice of Gov. Pence To Be His Running Mate
Friday morning, our presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, confirmed that Indiana Governor Mike Pence would be his running mate.
I think this is a positive step leading up to our convention in Cleveland. Mike Pence, as a Governor of a Midwest state, understands flyover country; he understands the working man, the working families, and has sought to improve their lives during his time as a Congressman from Indiana, and now as their Governor.
One of the more encouraging signs about the choice of Governor Pence is that Donald Trump has chosen someone with whom he has disagreed with in the past. This is good. This means there will not be a "yes man" at the table helping to make big decisions. Governor Pence brings to the conversation a different perspective that can sharpen Donald Trump's message into a message that will bring Americans together again instead of dividing them.
In an interview with Ripon Forum in 2014 leading up to the midterms, Governor Pence stated the following:
"We Republicans need to offer a positive alternative to the failed policies of President Obama and the Democrats. We need to be "solutions conservatives." We need to showcase constructive solutions that will lead to more economic opportunity and upward mobility for everyone. This includes fixing our broken tax code, reforming health care in a way that lowers costs and gives families greater ownership of their healthcare choices, reducing job-killing regulations and changing our safety net programs in ways that truly help people move up out of poverty."
I welcome this approach, and I welcome Governor Mike Pence to the Republican ticket and I look forward to working together in the fall campaign as we offer a clear alternative to the American people.
Please go to my website and let me know what you think about Donald Trump's selection of Governor Pence.