Thomas Woods
July 7th, 2022
Sometimes people joke about how little of their own history Americans know, but it’s really bad, folks. It’s worse than you think.Just the other day, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said it was the job of the president and Congress...
November 30th, 2020
I recently had an opportunity to speak to about 100 state legislators about COVID rationality, making the strongest case I could, and calling on them to be the voices of the voiceless (i.e., the victims of lockdown we’re...
November 13th, 2020
Watch video of my remarks at the recent Ron Paul symposium in Texas.
November 3rd, 2020
Professor Gabriel Scally, a member of the SAGE group advising the British government on COVID-19, is asked if he’s done any kind of cost-benefit analysis with regard to lockdowns, since lockdowns carry a heavy cost both in...
October 15th, 2020
This is probably the most important talk I’ve ever given. I don’t think you’ll be bored.
September 29th, 2020
Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, held a virtual roundtable yesterday featuring Harvard Medical School’s Martin Kulldorff, and Michael Levitt and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford.Every minute of it is worth watching. No...
August 13th, 2020
I don’t make a habit of cheering for politicians, as you surely know. But holy cow. Kristi Noem, governor of South Dakota, has been outstanding. She refused to lock down her state. The crazies went berserk.
May 4th, 2020
Science is not a neat set of infallible statements but an ongoing search for the truth. “The Science(TM)” has been all over the place in this crisis: how the virus spreads and doesn’t spread, the role of children (do they...
December 2nd, 2019
Pro-government, anti-entrepreneur memes spread like wildfire on social media, particularly Facebook.A recent one criticizes Jeff Bezos on the grounds that his $98.5 million to help the homeless just isn’t enough.
October 31st, 2019
None of this is true. I have never in my life met anyone who thinks “people exist to serve the market” and that if they cannot be profitable “their life has no value.”
July 5th, 2022
Yesterday was Independence Day, and I wonder how many people really get why it matters.In school, we were told this: “No taxation without representation.”Zzzzzzzz.The real principles were more like the following.(1) No ...
November 19th, 2020
Steve Sisolak, governor of Nevada, recently scolded citizens of his state. Why, only irresponsible behavior can account for a rise in “cases” there!So he’s telling Nevadans that they have two weeks to get things under...
November 10th, 2020
Lockdowns only delay the inevitable, and they leave wreckage in their wake.
October 26th, 2020
A musician who’s weary of the COVID hysteria just sent me the following, and I thought (with her permission) you might also want to read it.
October 14th, 2020
I almost don’t blame people who are unaware of this information, because you have to go to the UK, usually, or the international press in general, to find it. But here is some of the collateral damage caused by lockdowns....
August 26th, 2020
Risch goes on to recall that Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has resolutely denied any benefit from hydroxychloroquine, was similarly obstructionist (the similarity is almost eerie) in 1987, in the face of the AIDS epidemic.
August 11th, 2020
It’s college football players, and the #WeWantToPlay movement.
December 3rd, 2019
Daniel McCarthy, editor of Modern Age, joins me to discuss recent articles of his, including in the New York Times, on the Democratic primary, the Democrats’ battle plan with regard to Donald Trump, and...
November 26th, 2019
For thousands of years, taxation has shaped history both openly and in ways that are more obscure. Dominic Frisby takes us through a whirlwind tour of the history of taxation, full of outrage and insight, and stories even...
August 20th, 2019
There’s something fundamentally deranged about politics.I realize I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.But in general, people don’t talk like this. Beto O’Rourke surely understands that this statement is...