The following is a letter written to the editor of the Kerrville Daily Times, regarding Houston mayor Bill White's US senatorial campaigning in the Hill Country:
Over at National Review Online, Michael Ledeen has posted a speech given by Gen. Robert Scales,U.S.
A few people have sent me pictures of last Saturday’s rally in Washington, DC, and I’ve researched the photos and videos on the World Wide Web. I was in DC for the Promise Keepers rally in 1997, which is the only other time...
This statement was made regarding a report released by the Government Accountability Office that states the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has fallen seven years behind its goal of putting in place technology and...
It's unfortunate when a former president stoops to race-baiting to support his failing and increasingly desperate democratic cohorts. Hey, it's the season for apologies, isn't it? So apologizing shouldn't be too hard....
Well, I guess I’m caught in my deceit. All this time, I’ve pretended that I objected to little things like spending more money than all previous administrations COMBINED, leaving an unfathomable debt for generations to come...
No amount of speech making can hide the fact that Obama believes that federal government is the solution to America’s healthcare problems.
Remember how stupid the "YouTube" Presidential debates were? That was an example of the MSM trying to act like it understands electronic media.  Well, the 2009 health care reform has spotlighted YouTubes true political...
Though he was blunt and might have chosen his words or venue a little differently, Joe Wilson has exposed the inner workings of the democrat-led healthcare legislation tactics. And while an outburst of "you lie!" from a...
Wouldnt it be great if Obama would just sit back and listen for once?
Now I'm not an anti-immigration leg-biter- I think immigration should be screened, ordered, and legal. The most hideous thing in the 2008 Republican presidential nomination campaign was Tom Tancredo calling for a moratorium...
Climate change fanatics continue to promote their population control and Planned Parenthood agendas by targeting "developing countries".
This video gives a good overview of the controversies regarding Texas public schools. Great job Neal Fry and Don McCleroy. You both were excellent!
Don't be fooled by the so called "Baucus compromise on health care" named for Democratic Senator Max Baucus. It is the old Pelosi plan with new make-up and a few minor changes.
House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after the House of Representatives voted 345-75 to pass the Defund ACORN Act:Today’s overwhelming bipartisan vote to stop all federal funding of...
The following statement was issued regarding Chairman Baucus' mark:I applaud Chairman Baucus, Sen. Grassley, and all of my colleagues on the Senate Finance Committee for their hard work to produce health care reform...
“Government Jobs Have Grown Since Recession’s Start” was the headline of a recent story in The New York Times. The article cited a report from the Nelson A.
After watching the video below, you should note the following:1. These are not raving mad lunatics2. They are equally irritated by Democrats and Republicans and their out of control spending habits3. They are not going away...
This Washington Examiner article, was recommended in a facebook comment from a TexasGOPVote fan. After President George H.W.
After a long week of disappointing government speeches, this video will help bring some humor to your weekend!



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