
The Savagery of Donald Trump on Twitter


As the presidential campaigns were being conducted in America on Tuesday, March 22, radical Islamic terrorists were attacking the Brussels Airport and Metro Station leaving body parts, dead, and injured scattered throughout. Read more about The Savagery of Donald Trump on Twitter

Hillary Clinton’s terrible week


National Republican Congressional Committee - Hillary Clinton’s terrible week continued this morning as the Washington Post published a damning front page investigative report into her email scandal. Read more about Hillary Clinton’s terrible week

Houston Independent School District: Scores Sinking As Our Kids Suffer

As our children's test scores decline, the Houston ISD School Board is more interested in changing school names at the cost of millions than running the school district.

Now, there are strong members of the Board, but they are in the minority. The Houston business community needs to get out of its slumber and get active in the School Board elections, or the clown show that's become our Board will continue. Read more about Houston Independent School District: Scores Sinking As Our Kids Suffer

Women's History Month


It is an honor to be here to recognize the people who have influenced our lives. Of course, we are talking about the women who have influenced our lives to help us be what we turned out to be. I want to talk specifically about some Texas women whom I consider to be a rare breed. They are tenacious, strong-willed, nurturing, and also kind. Read more about Women's History Month

Brussels, ISIS and Battling Terror in Pop Culture


Tuesday’s ISIS attack in Brussels is a sad reminder that we’re fighting an enemy that resembles the Vietcong operating on a global scale more than any organized or guerrilla organization we’ve tackled before.

The past few years have shown us an Obama Doctrine that looks more in line with an academic discussion in the “Socratic Method” than the foreign policy that a world leader should be undertaking. Read more about Brussels, ISIS and Battling Terror in Pop Culture

On To The Runoff-Simpson vs. Ramos


It's bound to happen. Your favorite candidate is forced into a runoff election. So now what? You do this: 

Read more about On To The Runoff-Simpson vs. Ramos

Do Immigrant Workers Help the Economy?

Some want to complete the fence along the United States–Mexico border. Others cry for higher quotas of H-1B visas. The debate goes on and on. Regardless of the immigration politics and law at stake, I sought the answer to an economic question: Does the United States benefit from immigrant workers?

Trump by the Numbers


If we are going to nominate Trump, we might want to ask the question, “Can Trump win?” I have already crunched the numbers on what Trump will need to win. The biggest reason that many people have given their vote to Trump is that he is bringing in new voters, and this seems to be supported by the number of independents and Democrats crossing over to vote in GOP primaries. Read more about Trump by the Numbers

North Korea and Iran: Dangerous bedfellows with one common enemy, the US


A satellite flying in space over the American Super Bowl, unprovoked missile launches, the test of a so-called hydrogen bomb and threats to destroy Manhattan. This is just a snapshot of what North Korea has been up to this year alone. Read more about North Korea and Iran: Dangerous bedfellows with one common enemy, the US

Cárdenas, Farenthold Protect American Companies From 'Patent Trolls'


Today, U.S. Reps. Tony Cárdenas (D-San Fernando Valley, Calif.) and Blake Farenthold (R-Corpus Christi, Texas) reintroduced the “Trade Protection Not Troll Protection Act,” a bill to protect American companies at the International Trade Commission (ITC) from abusive litigation at the hands of patent trolls. Read more about Cárdenas, Farenthold Protect American Companies From 'Patent Trolls'


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