
The Cowtown Warriors, Pitching in For Our Wounded Warriors

In light of the recent challenges that the Wounded Warrior organization has faced, I thought it was high time to highlight the fantastic work of the Cowtown Warriors in Fort Worth, Texas.

HERO: Texas Woman Pulls Man from Burning Car


A young Houston woman pulled a man loose from a burning car at great risk to her own health and safety.

25-year-old Sheilonda Brooks witnessed a horrible car crash in Houston two weeks ago. The car caught on fire and, at great risk to her personal safety, Brooks rushed to the car and began extricating the trapped driver when the car exploded into flames. Read more about HERO: Texas Woman Pulls Man from Burning Car

Trump’s New Democrat Attack Ad Casts Hillary as a Barking Dog


The Donald released his first Anti-Hillary attack ad Wednesday – and while it may come as no surprise that it’s demeaning to women – the use of Vladimir Putin is a bit of a bizarre touch.

Read more about Trump’s New Democrat Attack Ad Casts Hillary as a Barking Dog

Three New Reasons for the Rise of Trump


The political class is awash in self-serving theories to explain the rise of Donald Trump. Tim Carney blames differences of opinion between cosmopolitan elites and a nationalist base. Read more about Three New Reasons for the Rise of Trump

The Collapse of Civility


Between March 8th and March 12th, we witnessed the path we are traveling politically, and it isn’t pretty. It began when a Breitbart reporter was forced to the ground by Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. A simple apology would have sufficed since Breitbart has been one of leadership for the Trump candidacy and Trump’s nationalist populism. Corey Lewandowski called Ms. Read more about The Collapse of Civility

Texas is a State of Mind


We began March by honoring Texas Independence Day and the fall of the Alamo. Reading about Texas history is one of my favorite past times. It’s what makes us unique as Texans. It’s what makes us proud. The history of our independence and 9 years as a sovereign nation explains a lot about the independent streak that runs through all Texans. It is not just a state of mind for Texans; it’s a way of life.

Read more about Texas is a State of Mind

The Illusory Donald Trump


Much has been written about this illusory Donald Trump that America has been witnessing right before our eyes through the media. All we read, hear and see is about this man called Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican Party presidential nomination. He is everything you told your children not to be. Read more about The Illusory Donald Trump

Ted Cruz: The fight for Liberty Never Ends


Nobody loves an underdog story as much as I do, and Ted Cruz's story was that of an underdog in his bid for US Senate. I supported him when he had 2% name ID in the polls against David Dewhurst back in 2012. Dewhurst was predicted to win. By a lot. The grassroots rallied around Ted because we needed Ted in the Senate badly. Read more about Ted Cruz: The fight for Liberty Never Ends

EPA Racing to Regulate Amateur Racecars


The Oversight Subcommittee today held a hearing titled “Racing to Regulate: EPA’s Latest Overreach on Amateur Drivers” to review proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations targeting amateur racecars and parts suppliers. Read more about EPA Racing to Regulate Amateur Racecars

The Death of Nancy Reagan and the End of an Era


The death of Nancy Reagan ended an era and is a reminder of a better era where politicians were statesmen and stateswomen: giants who ended a cold war without a nuclear exchange and gave the next generation a chance to rebuild the world while engineering an economic prosperity that lasted over two decades. Read more about The Death of Nancy Reagan and the End of an Era


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