
Trump by the Numbers


If we are going to nominate Trump, we might want to ask the question, “Can Trump win?” I have already crunched the numbers on what Trump will need to win. The biggest reason that many people have given their vote to Trump is that he is bringing in new voters, and this seems to be supported by the number of independents and Democrats crossing over to vote in GOP primaries. Read more about Trump by the Numbers

North Korea and Iran: Dangerous bedfellows with one common enemy, the US


A satellite flying in space over the American Super Bowl, unprovoked missile launches, the test of a so-called hydrogen bomb and threats to destroy Manhattan. This is just a snapshot of what North Korea has been up to this year alone. Read more about North Korea and Iran: Dangerous bedfellows with one common enemy, the US

Cárdenas, Farenthold Protect American Companies From 'Patent Trolls'


Today, U.S. Reps. Tony Cárdenas (D-San Fernando Valley, Calif.) and Blake Farenthold (R-Corpus Christi, Texas) reintroduced the “Trade Protection Not Troll Protection Act,” a bill to protect American companies at the International Trade Commission (ITC) from abusive litigation at the hands of patent trolls. Read more about Cárdenas, Farenthold Protect American Companies From 'Patent Trolls'

Brussels Terrorist Attacks


Days after Belgian law enforcement captured alive ISIS terrorist Salah Abdeslam, one of the suspected ringleaders of the deadly Paris attacks, terrorists retaliated in Brussels by launching a series of explosions at the airport and train station. 34 civilians are dead and 170 are injured. Read more about Brussels Terrorist Attacks

Retired PA Trooper Killed After Robbing Toll Road Plaza


A retired Pennsylvania state trooper was shot and killed by police after attempting to rob a toll plaza on a turnpike. The former trooper had killed one of the toll collectors and a security guard during the robbery. Read more about Retired PA Trooper Killed After Robbing Toll Road Plaza

Public Should Have Voice in Picking Next Supreme Court Justice


Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a giant of American jurisprudence. His intellect, wit, and commitment to the rule of law inspired a generation of legal minds -- including me -- to follow the law as written and to uphold the Constitution for the health of our democracy. Scalia resuscitated our nation's constitutional principles during a crucial time. Read more about Public Should Have Voice in Picking Next Supreme Court Justice

Department Of Veterans Affairs Failures


The Veterans Administration failed to contact thousands of veterans who submitted applications for health care. Apparently, those applications were incomplete, but the VA did not tell the vets to correct the applications and resubmit them; so the applications were left pending on a shelf with no action by the VA and no health care for the veterans. Read more about Department Of Veterans Affairs Failures

Farenthold Statement on President Obama’s Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Garland


I released the following statement after President Obama announced his intent to nominate Judge Merrick Garland to be the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Read more about Farenthold Statement on President Obama’s Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Garland

How Not to Fight ISIS and the Trouble with Jillenials


A few weeks ago, the FBI released a game called “Slippery Slope” that was aimed at a Gen-Z and Millennial audience, but was apparently developed by the “Department of Tone Deafness.” I use that snark, as the game itself, aside from being oddly crafted, is a poor attempt to replicate a “flappy bird” type environment while succeeding in being offensive to M Read more about How Not to Fight ISIS and the Trouble with Jillenials

The Fight Over Free Speech and Science

While the political campaigns are moving on, Obama's Stalinist tactics were on parade when Loretta Lynch confirmed that she's referring complaints to DOJ against oil companies for potential criminal prosecution. Read more about The Fight Over Free Speech and Science


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