
Maryland Cop Killed in Police Station Ambush


A Maryland police officer was killed Sunday afternoon while responding to a call of shots fired at his police station. The shots were apparently designed to lure officers in for an ambush. Read more about Maryland Cop Killed in Police Station Ambush

Tar Heel State Gives Ted Cruz Texas Welcome


Six days ago 2,500 people attended a Fox News/Megyn Kelly Town Hall meeting with Ted Cruz in Raleigh, North Carolina. I arrived at 10:30 with a Cruz Field Director to a sea of overflow supporters. As we walked through the line, we heard buzzing conversations of people who had waited from 8:00 AM, many traveling Texas-like distances to hear him speak. Senator Cruz’s thunderous standing ovations are commonplace in Texas. Read more about Tar Heel State Gives Ted Cruz Texas Welcome

Donald Trump and the GOP Part 3: What Is Trumpism? Is It Bad for the GOP and America?


The biggest reason to oppose Trump is that he is not a conservative nor a real Republican, even though in the eyes of his supporters the latter is a benefit. It is time to take a serious look at what Trumpism really is and why it is not just a threat to Republicans but America itself. Read more about Donald Trump and the GOP Part 3: What Is Trumpism? Is It Bad for the GOP and America?

House Members to UN Official: "Abortion is Not the Answer to Zika Virus"


Fifty members of the U.S. House of Representatives and I sent a letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, to express our disappointment on the recent statement by the High Commissioner on the Zika virus and its implications for abortion practices. Read more about House Members to UN Official: "Abortion is Not the Answer to Zika Virus"

Texas’ Longest-Running Theater: A Throwback to Simpler Times


Last week, movie-goers in Clifton, Texas might have felt like they’d gone Back to the Future, jumping from the 21st century to a cotton farm in the 1930s, a lion hunt in the 1960s, or an East Texas funeral home in the early 1990s. Read more about Texas’ Longest-Running Theater: A Throwback to Simpler Times

Outragers Anonymous


The title of this blog used to apply to me, in that I was an outrager. I was 'mad as hell and I wasn't going to take it anymore' when I first got involved in politics. I was taking out my anger on any and all incumbent office holders. They were, after all, the ones who got us into this mess in the first place, right? Not entirely, and before you dismiss me and call me a RINO, let me explain. Read more about Outragers Anonymous

Trump, Halal Steak Salesman Now Claims Islam is the Enemy


Earlier this week, America’s sweetheart, Donald Trump trotted out the samples closet of assorted Trump products that he’s marketed over the years. This included a number or branded products including suits, water and Trump Steaks. Yes, that’s right, Omaha Steaks had delicious competition on its hands for a while. Read more about Trump, Halal Steak Salesman Now Claims Islam is the Enemy

Donald Trump and the GOP Part 2: Attracting Trump Voters


Writer’s Note: National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru and Rich Lowry tackled the question, how do we attract Trump supporters. They present a thesis on how to promote Conservative Populism and sell it beyond the 2016 elections. Read more about Donald Trump and the GOP Part 2: Attracting Trump Voters

Strengthening infrastructure will brighten economic future of Houston and U.S.

Our transportation network is something many Americans take for granted. When it works, it usually goes unnoticed. But when it doesn’t function efficiently – when we are stuck in traffic or held up at the airport – it becomes more evident how transportation impacts our lives.

Texas’ Women’s Health, UT Study: Other than that*, the story was true


*The authors of a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine admit to a narrow focus that ignored the multiple methods of funding Family Planning in Texas, looking instead at a single type of “provider” – Title X clinics like Planned Parenthood (“PP”) – and a single source of funding for a specific set of services: long-acting reversible contraceptives such as the IUD and implants and injectables. Read more about Texas’ Women’s Health, UT Study: Other than that*, the story was true


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