The Illusory Donald Trump
Much has been written about this illusory Donald Trump that America has been witnessing right before our eyes through the media. All we read, hear and see is about this man called Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican Party presidential nomination. He is everything you told your children not to be.
Here we have a man running for the highest office in America and people are flocking to hear, what it seems, every word from this obnoxious, braggadocio, insulting man. He charms the angry and uneducated segment of our society, the pundits are telling us. Yet, he appeals to the fantasy of a hopeful America. Trump has become their oasis.
As Christians, we know that bearing false witness about another is wrong; we know that lying about anything is wrong. We also know that bigotry, openly degrading minorities and women is totally reprehensible in any situation. It’s not like he is hiding who he is, no, he is out in the open telling us exactly who he is. His unfiltered vocabulary is more of a 3rd or 4th grader and his reasoning in public doesn’t go much higher. He invokes his audience to act in violent ways by using words that incite like, “KNOCK THE CRAP,” and takes absolutely no responsibility for his words or actions. In a recent interview, he maintained that he did not have to ask for forgiveness because, "I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad." He is as consistent as a tumultuous temper tantrum.
Many of us are stunned that no matter how we try to reason with his supporters to a Godlier and calmer candidate, they do not respond because passion and feelings are determining their choice. In fact, Trump’s militia even interprets his worst moments into a rallying cry for the marginalized. Any anti-Trump person is attacked for ‘lying’ about their perceived savior. Specificity is not in Trump’s or his supporters’ realm of ‘Make America Great Again’.
Evangelicals have betrayed their Christian values for monetary favors, such as Jerry Falwell, Jr, president of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and Pastor Robert Jeffress from the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas readily admitted, but Catholics are also supporting someone who says that, “Planned Parenthood does wonderful things.” With much bewilderment we watch conservative after conservative embrace and endorse Trump and even justify their action. The list is astounding of ‘conservatives’, Ben Carson, Sarah Palin, and Phyllis Schlafly, as they all seem to have fallen for the promise of money, fame, or to rid our country of unwanted immigrants.
After hearing his ‘victory’ speech on Tuesday, March 8, and the recent Trump Chicago Rally riots on March 11, and Trump’s insistence that the protesters “contribute nothing,” it should be perfectly clear that his intent is to silence our 1st Amendment rights. I have also come to the sad realization that our society has become more like the people left at the bottom of Mount Sinai when Moses went up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments and upon his return found that God’s chosen people were worshiping a Golden Calf. Confronting my worst conclusion, that we are not as much a Christian nation as a confused people seeking rewards without sacrifice or at best the ‘today’ Christians have been programmed to pursue a false prophet seeking money and revenge before seeking God. And sadly most Americans from all indications have left their Christian values outside the ballot box before voting.
As Christians and as Americans we still have the opportunity to choose a leader and not a ruler. Trump’s authoritative conduct can only lead us into further chaos and his total lack of boundaries can only result in more lawlessness and depravity. God has blessed us in many ways and is giving us an unique opportunity to show Him that we still believe in the Cross and in His love. The future of America relies on the choices we make with good will towards our America. Choosing the leader of the free world therefore must be attained by reason and not feelings. The results of the next few days will determine who will lead our country and blaming God after the fact isn’t going to alleviate our downward spin. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3-20