
More Law Enforcement Leaders Criticize Outrageous Judson and Bean Attacks on Speaker Straus


Law enforcement leaders in San Antonio and across Texas harshly criticized political candidates Jeff Judson and Sheila Bean for blaming Speaker Joe Straus for a 2015 murder. Read more about More Law Enforcement Leaders Criticize Outrageous Judson and Bean Attacks on Speaker Straus

Talk Show Host Calls On Cruz To Withdraw And Back Rubio...REALLY?


I haven’t fully made my case for Ted Cruz yet as a third part of a series on the primary contest. I will, but one discussed the empty challenges of Trump supporters re: conservatism, and this is a response to a radio host about Trump’s two leading challengers, Cruz and Rubio: Read more about Talk Show Host Calls On Cruz To Withdraw And Back Rubio...REALLY?

Worker Calls Out Thomas McNutt for Ongoing Pattern of Hiring Illegals

"Mr. McNutt, you are an embarrassment to Texas, to Corsicana..."


Social media explodes with video on candidate Thomas McNutt hiring illegal immigrants — you need to view this Read more about Worker Calls Out Thomas McNutt for Ongoing Pattern of Hiring Illegals

The Honorable Paul Green


Bill Harris is a featured author on The RED REPORT. He was a very well respected prosecutor for Bexar County and among his case load were white collar crimes, juvenile and capital offenses including death penalty cases. He has had over 1,000 trials and has reviewed thousands of cases in this position. Before retiring he was a solo practitioner in Criminal Defense, practicing mostly in Bexar and Comal counties. Read more about The Honorable Paul Green

A throwdown in West Texas as Chairman Frullo squares off against former Rep. Landtroop

Frullo fends off Empower Texans border security attacks with some backup from Breitbart Texas’ boss Brandon Darby; Landtroop says Frullo is in Austin to “kiss the (bleep) of the Bohener, McConnell, Straus establishment”


Frullo fends off Empower Texans border security attacks with some backup from Breitbart Texas’ boss Brandon Darby. Read more about A throwdown in West Texas as Chairman Frullo squares off against former Rep. Landtroop

Inquiry Results in Increased Transparency, Accountability for Delphi Retirees


The inquiry I requested has provided us with new information and has resulted in the PBGC making meaningful, substantive changes that will hold the agency accountable to Delphi Salaried Retirees. For far too long, these retirees have been denied access to information about their unjustly terminated pensions. Because of the inquiry I requested, the there is now greater transparency and accountability for Delphi Salaried Retirees.” Read more about Inquiry Results in Increased Transparency, Accountability for Delphi Retirees

President Obama Closing Guantanamo


President Obama's decision to fulfill an 8 year old campaign promise on his way out the door by unilaterally closing Guantanamo Bay is not only dangerous, it is also illegal. The law -whether he likes it or not- says that any plans to close this facility must go through Congress. The President must provide Congress and the American People details for his unlawful terrorist jail break. Read more about President Obama Closing Guantanamo

Texas Teens Charged with Sex Trafficking 15-Year-Old Girl


Two 19-year-old men have been charged in Dallas, Texas, with forcing a 15-year-old girl into prostitution against her will. The girl eventually escaped their captivity.

Dallas police announced on Monday, the arrest of Mike Osorio and Rafael Roday, both 19, on a variety of charges including sexual assault and forced prostitution, the Houston Chronicle reported. Read more about Texas Teens Charged with Sex Trafficking 15-Year-Old Girl

Lamar Smith Strong for Texas CD21


Lamar Smith represents the people of Congressional District 21 which has an approximate 766,190 residents of which only 68,383 voted in 2012 and 66,918 in 2014. Smith had one of the highest voting turnouts and that is because he stays connected to his constituents via email, conference calls, and town hall meetings. Read more about Lamar Smith Strong for Texas CD21

Who Will Defeat Trump?


For decades, lying has been a way of life for the Clintons and now the Democrats are on their way to nominate a woman who is facing possible indictments. Maybe Republicans may want to take a second look at Donald Trump since lying and exaggerating his business acumen is part of Trump package as well. Read more about Who Will Defeat Trump?


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