
The Rise of National Populism and Democratic Socialism


This election cycle has seen trends that threatens conservatism. The first is National Populism which is blood and soil nationalism that undermines constitutional rule of law and the second is Democratic socialism where the Democratic portion of socialism often disappears. Read more about The Rise of National Populism and Democratic Socialism

Nominating Process Not Rigged, Crooked, Undemocratic, In The Way Trump Team Suggests


Trump and his minions have been calling the Republican nominating process unfair and “rigged” to take the nominating process from him. How about a little clarity on the matter, which may not be found on television. Unfortunately, this weekend I listened to the so-called FOX Political Insiders agree with the charge. Read more about Nominating Process Not Rigged, Crooked, Undemocratic, In The Way Trump Team Suggests

Let's Talk Taxes


We are approaching tax day, a day that many Americans have come to fear and loathe. Let me first remind you that the deadline to file taxes has been extended to April 18th. The Obama Administration has levied new taxes and drastically increased spending. This has resulted in a more burdensome, complex tax code, which has had a negative impact on American businesses and families. Read more about Let's Talk Taxes

Clinton Email Server Jeopardized National Security


In a speech on the Senate floor today, I addressed President Obama’s recent remarks about the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, and reiterated my call for a special counsel to oversee the case.  Read more about Clinton Email Server Jeopardized National Security

Here’s what Obama doesn’t want you to know about Fast and Furious

It only took 4 years and suing the government to get documents that belong to the taxpayers regarding Fast and Furious.

Fast and Furious is the name given to an operation whereby Obama’s trouble-makers sent arms to Mexican banditos with the hope they create so much havoc in Mexico, the U.S. would be forced to allow in illegals. Read more about Here’s what Obama doesn’t want you to know about Fast and Furious

Ted Poe Hails Passage of the Email Privacy Act

Wednesday I issued the follow statement on the passage of H.R. 699, the Email Privacy Act out of the House Judiciary Committee. The Email Privacy Act reforms the outdated Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) law of 1986. Under current law, the federal government can gain access to any electronic communications that is stored for at least 6 months in the cloud. Read more about Ted Poe Hails Passage of the Email Privacy Act

Second Texas Cop Shot in Less than 12 Hours

An Austin police SWAT officer was shot early Thursday morning while executing a search warrant. He was the second Texas police officer shot in the past twelve hours. The officer is in stable condition recovering from his wound. Read more about Second Texas Cop Shot in Less than 12 Hours

IRS Struggling to Secure Americans’ Sensitive Info


The Research and Technology Subcommittee today held a hearing to hear from IRS Commissioner John Koskinen following a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report that highlights severe cybersecurity vulnerabilities at the agency. Such security gaps could expose taxpayers’ most sensitive data to hackers and cyber criminals. Read more about IRS Struggling to Secure Americans’ Sensitive Info

Costs and Benefits of Guest Worker Visa Quotas Determined by Formulas

On April 1st, the federal government will begin accepting petitions for hiring workers on the H-1B visa–a temporary visa for skilled workers. H-1B visas for highly skilled workers are annually limited to 85,000 for private firms. There is no numerical limit for H-1Bs employed at non-profit research institutions affiliated with universities. Read more about Costs and Benefits of Guest Worker Visa Quotas Determined by Formulas

FBI News: Heard of the StingRay?

In the spirit of transparency, we find out yet another clandestine data-grabbing project that the Leftist bureaucrats don’t want discussed. It’s called Operation StingRay, and it’s allows the FBI to use fake communications towers to gather your cell phone data. Apparently the NSA will not share, so the FBI had to come up with its own methods of violating your right to privacy. Read more about FBI News: Heard of the StingRay?


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