
A Law to Save Lives


Our children are taught from a young age how to call for help: dial 9-1-1. But that doesn’t always work. Read more about A Law to Save Lives

Cameras in the Supreme Court


The Supreme Court of the United States heard the historical case of United States v. Texas, on Monday, regarding executive overreach. People all over the country are interested in this case, but only a handful of spectators could see the public proceedings. Read more about Cameras in the Supreme Court

What Needs to Be Done

Since 2003, America’s PAC has been involved in every national election and in 2002, many of the America’s PAC staff led by the late Richard Nadler operated under the group, “Citizens For Better Government” before the formation of America’s PAC.  Many Super PACs were formed in the wake of Citizens United but America’s PAC has been working to promote conservative ideas nearly a decade longer than many groups presently operating.  Read more about What Needs to Be Done

President’s Opposition to Terror Victims Bill Unacceptable

The Obama Administration is opposing a bill to help the families of victims of terror attacks on U.S. soil pursue justice against those responsible. The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) passed the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this year without opposition.  Read more about President’s Opposition to Terror Victims Bill Unacceptable

Class and Race

Three out of every five babies aborted in America are either Black or Hispanic. Just let that sink in for a moment. Read more about Class and Race

Deadbeat Trumpsters


Thousands and thousands of conservative Republicans are elected delegates at their precinct and county conventions to go to their state conventions and pound out state party platforms and convention rules. Some are elected there to be delegates from their states to do likewise at the national convention and elect a candidate to represent the Republican Party for the presidential election. Read more about Deadbeat Trumpsters

Democratic Socialism


National Review’s Kevin Williamson noted about Bernie Sanders, “Bernie bellows that he remembers a time when you could walk into a department store and “buy things made in the U.S.A.” …Like most of these advocates of “economic patriotism” (Barack Obama’s once-favored phrase), Bernie worries a great deal about trade with brown people — Asians, Latin Americans — but has never, as far as Read more about Democratic Socialism

One Man’s $246,000 Student Loan Debt Paid by Taxpayers

Education is a racket, just like Liberalism.

Liberals promise kids a stellar education, then jobs after they graduated from college, and they get bubkis.

Not only are Liberals not educating students, they are saddling them with so much debt, they can’t live a reasonable life. So ultimately they become wards of the state. The Fed by way of the American taxpayer picks up EVERYTHING! Read more about One Man’s $246,000 Student Loan Debt Paid by Taxpayers

Immigration Restrictionism Hasn’t Helped Japan’s Labor Market

Japan is a developed nation that allows little immigration, thus winning occasional praise from American immigration restrictionists. If the reason for copying Japan’s immigration policy of almost no immigrants is that it will improve the labor markets, conditions there do not provide evidence for that claim, at least on the surface.

Japan’s immigrant population is minuscule compared to the United States, as a percent of either country’s population (Figure 1). Read more about Immigration Restrictionism Hasn’t Helped Japan’s Labor Market

Remains of Second Texas Teen Missing Since 1997, ID Confirmed


The recovery of the remains of a second Texas teen missing since 1997 was confirmed by medical examiners in the Houston area this week. Both missing girls are tied to convicted kidnapper and suspected serial-killer William Reece. Read more about Remains of Second Texas Teen Missing Since 1997, ID Confirmed


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