The Savagery of Donald Trump on Twitter
As the presidential campaigns were being conducted in America on Tuesday, March 22, radical Islamic terrorists were attacking the Brussels Airport and Metro Station leaving body parts, dead, and injured scattered throughout. ISIS has been identified as those responsible for the attack, and as usual Obama took a lackadaisical approach to the situation by watching a baseball game in Cuba, then dancing the Tango while Americans were in the hospital critically injured with shrapnel in their bodies. He should have danced the night away behind closed doors and not for the world to see.
Meanwhile back in America, Donald Trump, the Republican front runner, lost Utah on Western Super Tuesday to Ted Cruz by a wide margin of Mormon voters. Cruz won his 10th state and this was enough to set Trump on fire. An anti-Trump Super PAC ran an ad in Utah informing Mormons that Melania Trump had posed in the nude for GQ exposing Trump’s lifestyle. Liz Mair, communication expert, took full responsibility for the political ad by Super PAC Make America Awesome with a tweet to Trump. Under federal law Super PAC’s cannot contribute to individual federal candidates or coordinate their activities with campaigns and are regulated by the Federal Election Commission. The Ted Cruz campaign is not affiliated with this PAC in any way.
The dreadful part of this twitter fight is that the MSM, which includes Fox News, is fueling the flames by not telling the truth. Furthermore, it is the MSM that disrupts the purpose of the Super PAC’s by casting doubt that there might be irregularities when there is no proof. Each Super PAC acts independently from any campaign and all TV and radio hosts know this, but they want to perpetuate the dispute by giving Trump lying privileges, like they do Hillary Clinton and Obama.
Life on twitter has not been the same since Trump’s Utah loss. Trump was quick to blame Cruz for the political ad and tweeted that “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad.” Never mind that Melania signed a release to allow the photographs to be used. “Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!" His disdain for women as Cruz says, “Is totally unacceptable.”
Melania posed for the magazine for public view and there is clearly nothing that Trump can do about this situation. Except that when he becomes president, he will change the libel laws so that the MSM won’t lie about him. Every newspaper will then be liable, but Trump isn’t sure how he will change the law, other than that he will stop the lying about him. See his interview with Washington Post Editorial Board and get a glimpse of how little knowledge he possesses and how impossible it is for him to stay focused. This is how he will conduct business IF he gets to the White House.
Cruz responded with his own tweet also stating that the ad was not from his campaign. But this was not enough for Trump as he had to press on with another tweet early this morning that removes all doubt if Trump is the right person to sit in the White House. He actually posted this on his twitter feed. Melania is a beautiful woman and Trump should be satisfied with such a wife by his side. Not only did he try to hurt Heidi with an unfavorable image but has exposed his own wife, to ridicule, as Botox and cosmetic surgery is evident.
The hateful stories about Heidi Cruz are running rampant, and yes she did have a bout with depression about 10 years ago and as we all know depression is serious but can be treated. Heidi held a press conference on MSNBC on March 23, answering questions and as usual had a perfect answer to the debacle, “Most of the things Donald Trump says have no basis in reality.” Spoken like a true lady.
Again in an effort to calm Trump, Cruz tweeted to him and said, “Your wife is lovely and Heidi is the love of my life.” I sincerely doubt this will stop Trump from his vulgar mouth and bullying tactics but I can tell you right now, Trump will never be presidential material and all those that continue on his Trump Train will eventually end in a Train Wreck! In essence, Trump is an ignorant savage, and his behavior should not be a shock to anyone as to the magnitude he will go to win. His minions understand this and that is one big reason why they follow him and in turn Trump has to continue to feed them whatever garbage they can swallow.
So here we go to Wisconsin on April 5, where Cruz and Trump are neck and neck in the polls. If Cruz wins, hold on for a stormy ride because Trump will have a violent Trumptantrum. And no telling what button he will push.
Pray, Fight, NEVER GIVE UP!
Cruz on Trump's attacks on his wife: 'Leave Heidi the hell alone' Calls Trump a ‘Sniveling Coward’ (video)
A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board