First of all, it’s hardly certain that anything like The House of Representatives’ health care reform bill will pass: in fact it’s darned unlikely. However, it’s at least as unlikely that Democrats will let this Congress...
Kay Bailey Hutchison's formal announcement verifying her campaign to unseat Governor Rick Perry in the 2010 race for governor has spurred debate across the great state of Texas.
Now Obama turns to the church!! He prays that selling healthcare reform as a "moral obligation" might actually work!! He claims that critics "bear false witness"!
Well it seems the rats are jumping ship on Obamacare.
Quietly killing the program in the dark of night with no explanation only raises more questions:President Obama,
This story in Politico is frightening.
With the federal government intruding deeper and deeper into our lives each day. Could this accurately depict what it will be like to order pizza in the future?
In an Associated Press article, Philip Elliot reports:After insisting no one was receiving unsolicited e-mails from the White House, officials reversed their story Monday night and blamed outside political groups for the...
My wife shops at Whole Foods. I routinely rib her for this because she is a sucker for anything labeled "Organic."
Obama said he would bring change to America, and so far it looks like this is the only promise he has been able to keep.
Do you ever wonder what life would be like if it were still 1957? These scenarios were sent to Texas GOP Vote in an e-mail!Scenario 1:Jack goes quail hunting before school and then pulls into the school...
On Monday, I watched a woman at the town hall of a Republican representative pose a question that reflected something that Democrats are trying fiercely to squeeze. The woman first conceded that she wasn’t very pleased by...
Do you think the Democrats are really telling us the truth behind global warming or are they just using it as another reason to tax us?This video gives us an inside look into Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth and why...
Texas GOP Vote has started compiling a list of evidence showing how the Democats are isolating groups of voters. This list continues from "Are the Democrats Digging Their Own Grave? - Part 2." 
What I fear is that Democrats will appear to have backed off enough to get the health care measure passed, possibly even with some Republican support, but will still manage to plant a seed that will grow into government...
We're sure most of our readers would like to forget the 1964 presidential election between Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson, a man who basked in the glory of Kennedy's popularity, and Republican Barry Goldwater, a man who donned...
Texas GOP Vote has started compiling a list of evidence showing how the Democats are isolating groups of voters. This list continues on from "Are the Democrats Digging Their Own Grave? - Part 1." President Obama...
Things were looking up for opponents of Obama's health care bill as the Democratic majority in the Senate has been stymied by Republicans and conservative Democrats. However, the Congressional Democrats will do anything to...
Senator Cornyn recently wrote a letter to President Obama expressing his concern regarding The President's call for citizens to report “fishy” speech opposing the healthcare bill to the White House.
These difficult economic times have inspired serious soul searching on the part of the policy makers. In the quest for the right formula for economic prosperity, analysts have been increasingly drawn to a comparison between...



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