Below are my remarks regarding the impact the health care reform proposals will have on seniors current Medicare benefits.
It was announced today that Obama has received the Nobel Peace Prize. On accepting the award, he said that he is now commander in chief of a country that is responsible for ending the war. But what about his own countrys...
Doctors for Obama? Propaganda? Watch this video and you will see for yourself!
The Obamas jetted off to Copenhagen, Denmark in an attempt to use their "star power" to personally lobby to bring the Olympics to Chicago in 2016. But after the meeting, when they were still in Air Force One on their return...
I delivered these remarks on the Senate floor yesterday, regarding the current debate on health care reform.
Jack Kelly's article in Real Clear Politics provides more insight, in addition to Andy Adam's recent Texas GOP Vote post "Viva la France?, of Obama's naiveté and incompetence on national security and foreign affairs. In his...
A fifth grader from Ector County Independent School District in Odessa, TX was recently told to memorize the Declaration of Independence. But there was one hitch- an essential word had been altered.The true text of the...
This talking point has been making the rounds from the Senate Republican Policy Committee:Senator Kerry just went on about the outrageous profits of health insurers who dominate the market and offer little choice to...
Senator Jon Kyl and I introduced legislation yesterday to renew several key components of the PATRIOT Act and address other national security needs.Recent events around the country, including my home state of Texas, remind...
I have a french-manufactured double barreled shotgun I use for bird hunting. It's a beautiful shotgun, but I take some ribbing for it when people learn it is French-made. I usually offer my pat answer, "Yeah, made in France...
An American Thinker article by Brian Sussman analyzes a question premised on the radio, "If I had told you that within the first 200 days of Barack Obama's presidency...?" from which a list of political atrocities begins....
As has been previously blogged by John Cornyn, the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, which Obama has proclaimed to be a "win-win-win-win-win" proposition, will have detrimental effects on the Texas economy.Well now a group...
The health care bill (HR 3200) includes $25,000 in fines as well as jail time if you dont buy government-approved health insurance! Republican Rep. Shadegg from Arizona offers his own resolution:
Open your eyes America, for what you are about to see is the greatest illusion ever conceived! On the count of three, you will awake to find the world is warmer, ice caps have melted, and forests are burning. You will find...
It's playing out just as predicted... well actually even worse than analysts predicted... a government give-away program results in a euphoric spike in sales of new cars (mostly foreign!), followed by its adverse effects of...
Last nights opening skit of Saturday Night Live had Fred Armisen impersonate Obama and go down our presidents list of non-accomplishments, starting with not getting the Olympics for Chicago 2016 and going on from there......
What is it with our government's over-the-top regulation these days? Not only is it trying to control our healthcare, our artwork, and our schoolchildren, but now the government is even trying to control our hard-working...
In his Web blog, Rich Karlgaard, publisher of Forbes, recently wrote about the importance of the small-business sector in avoiding a double-dip recession. Of his four potential causes for a second economic downturn, two of...
As Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission, I deal on a weekly and monthly basis with state and national unemployment figures.
I’m glad a post was put up to focus specifically on Democratic actions to deny the possibility of Americans to review a health care bill before it is voted on. Frankly, as has become the standard of late, even the...



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