
Obama likes to have it both ways . . . and gets it.

Obama's Teleprompter is his key advisor Victor Davis Hanson begins the work of cataloging Obama's doublespeak and historical fiction in the National Review Online.  His conclusion, thus far, is worth quoting in full: Read more about Obama likes to have it both ways . . . and gets it.

Obama's New Healthcare Proposal: Raise Taxes

Broken Healthcare SystemAs House Democrats deliberate on a plan to require health insurance for most Americans, Obama proposes that Congress should pay for this health-care overhaul by disregarding the workers and targeting the wealthy to pick up the tab. The Obama Administration is stepping up its efforts to influence health-care legislation to avoid broad-based taxes and to instead, focus in on the Americans in the highest tax brackets.  Read more about Obama's New Healthcare Proposal: Raise Taxes

Newt Gingrich on GOP Unity against the "Obama Oppression"

Newt Gingrich, Republican Congressional fundraiserFormer Vice President Dick Cheney and former Secretary of State Colin Powell have been reported to be at odds over the approach of the Republican party. Powell has been calling for more moderation while Cheney argues for a more agressive approach. Read more about Newt Gingrich on GOP Unity against the "Obama Oppression"

What is the Stimulus Package For? Even ol' Uncle Joe Doesn't Know

Vice President Joe BidenAccording to a Fox News article, "Avid train rider and Vice President Joe Biden, on a conference call Monday with reporters, mistakenly claimed that the planned Hudson River tunnel between New Jersey and Midtown Manhattan would provide a much-anticipated route for automobiles." Biden told reporters, "Look, this is designed, this totally new tunnel, is designed to Read more about What is the Stimulus Package For? Even ol' Uncle Joe Doesn't Know

The Obama Stimulus: Predictions vs. Reality

When assessing the Stimulus bill back in February, Obama repeatedly affirmed that the Stimulus bill would save or create 3 million jobs with 1.25 million of those jobs saved or created by the beginning of June. Now that the June is upon us, this short video will help you visualize the reality of what has come of the Stimulus bill.

Read more about The Obama Stimulus: Predictions vs. Reality

Obama's "Pay Czar" aptly named

Obama's Pay CzarHow long until we stop appointing mini-Czars and just go with the real thing?  Would it be any different?

If you are not shocked by the power grab currently taking place in Washington, D.C., you are not paying attention.  The Wall Street Journal records the latest shocker (subscription required):

appoint a "pay czar" to monitor the firms receiving the most government aid.  Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is expected to push all firms--not just those receiving funds from the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program--to more closely tie incentive compensation to long-term performance by paying employees in restricted stock, rather than cash.

Veto SB 1440: Don't Let Texas Democratic Legislators Take Away 4th Amendment Rights!


SB 1440Citizens across Texas are calling for Governor Perry to veto SB1440 in order to protect families' Constitutional rights.


Your Action is Required! 

Andrew Breitbart "gets it"...will the GOP listen?


The Right WayAndrew Breitbart, founder of, proves that he gets it! Will the GOP listen?  That is the question Breitbart raises in a Washington Times Opinion/Analysis piece.

Republicans, on the other hand, act like a snobby condo board and appear to seek out potential voters for their savoriness. The party expects pre-existing respectable organizations, Protestant churches in particular, to do the heavy lifting. In this day of dwindling Republican appeal, the party's ace in the hole is heard at the end of the polling day: "Have they counted the overseas military vote yet?" It's amazing Republicans ever win.

North Korea Sentences Journalists. Obama Administration Looks the Other Way

North Korea Nuclear AmbitionsWhile the Obama administration sat idly by, two female American journalists have been and sentenced to 12 years of hard labor in North Korea. The women, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, were accused of entering North Korea illegally and were further accused of a "grave crime against North Korea", which has yet to be elaborated on by Pyongyang. Read more about North Korea Sentences Journalists. Obama Administration Looks the Other Way

Healthy Families Act: The Democrats' Ill-Guided Government Initiative

Mandatory Sick Days, Healthy Families ActThe Healthy Families Act (HFA), HR 2460, which requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide at least seven days of paid sick leave per year, is being advertised by the government with claims that the bill will “allow Americans to earn paid sick time so that they can address their own h Read more about Healthy Families Act: The Democrats' Ill-Guided Government Initiative


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