2009 Texas Legislature
August 30th, 2013
Update: New Article "Stop Texas 20% Tax on College Students! Repeal Tuition Set Aside Law!" explains in detail how and when we got this tax...
February 28th, 2011
“If we should vote next week on whether to begin producing cheese in a factory on the moon, I almost certainly would oppose it...On the other hand, if the government decided to institute the policy, it would be my objective...
December 15th, 2011
Where voter registration fraud prevails, voter fraud likely prevails. Without the Texas ID bill, voter registration is the primary defense against fraud.VOCES Action stands strongly in educating Hispanics on the conservative...
June 10th, 2009
Citizens across Texas are calling for Governor Perry to veto SB1440 in order to protect families' Constitutional rights. Your Action is Required! Send your opinion to his websiteCall Gov. Perry at 800-252-9600 / 512-463-2000...