
VAT- Value Added Taxes: Bigger Taxes, Bigger Government

VAT Valued Added TaxAs part of the Obama Administration's plan for "fundamental tax reform", there has been growing interest in a new value-added tax, commonly referred to as a VAT. Daniel J. Mitchell explains in a Cato Institute article that on top of this new value-added tax, “Obama is already looking at a wide range of other potential tax increases, including higher income tax rates, restrictions on itemized deductions, an energy tax, and higher payroll tax rates. Even if they all became law, the revenues would not come close to satisfying his and Congress's appetite for bigger government, particularly a government-run health-care scheme.”

We the people, to form a more perfect . . . Unionized shop

Card Check Threat Alive and WellFrom the people who ensured the destruction of the U.S. auto industry (i.e., unions), you know, OUR co-stockholders in GM and Chrysler, comes the Orwellian named "Employee Free Choice Act."

The conventional wisdom has declared "card check" and the abolition of the secret ballot to be dead.   Read more about We the people, to form a more perfect . . . Unionized shop

The Case for Working With Your Hands

immigration, Texas Workforce Commission, mechanicMatthew Crawford has an important essay, inspired by his new book Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work in the June 1st issue of the New York Times Magazine. The essay, entitled The Case for Working With Your Hands, highlights the value of "useful work". Read more about The Case for Working With Your Hands

Obama: US a "muslim country" but "no longer a Christian nation"

Barack ObamaPresident Obama had this to say ahead of his speech to the Muslim world in Cairo:

In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted that the United States also could be considered as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

Sign the Petition to Veto HB 4294!

VETO HB 4294Please join citizens in appealing to Governor Perry to VETO HB 4294, which is a poorly conceived bill.  Governor Perry is the only hope for preserving authority by our elected representatives in the State Board of Education (SBOE) over electronic textbooks.

Your Action is Required! 

Obama: All Apologies - No Plan

Guantanamo MapIn an interview on Monday with the BBC, President Obama discussed his view on foreign policy. Obama, who is currently touring the Middle East, explains, "The United States should not impose its values on other countries, but those same countries should embrace 'universal' values like democracy and freedom of speech." But, just how does Obama expect countries like Iran and groups like Hezbollah to simply rid themselves of terrorist elements and "embrace" American values?

Obama Thinks Iran has Right to Nuclear Energy

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad“So let it be written, so let it be done.”

I have no idea what Pharaoh Ramses II looked like, but he will always have Yul Brenner’s voice in my head.  Pharaoh was the all-powerful God-leader of the Egyptians, the messiah on Earth, as far as the Egyptians were concerned.

The Dismantling of GM: by a 31-Year-Old?

Take a look at the NY Times' glowing profile of 31-year old law student who now finds himself: "dismantling General Motors and rewriting the rules of American capitalism." Does this scare anyone else as much as it scares me?
Wait, there's more! Just marvel at the Obama team's rapid-fire management of the auto-industry: Read more about The Dismantling of GM: by a 31-Year-Old?

GM's Bankruptcy - YOU are the Biggest Loser

General Motors BankruptcyNow that the federal government has emerged from the GM bailout owning 60% of the company, taxpayers will have to foot the bill. In a Fox News article, the Director of Entitlement and Budget Policy Peter Ferrara explains,

“The new GM will be run by the politics of the Obama Administration, not economics. That means it will be run to serve the interests of the United Auto Workers and the environmentalist groups that are major players in Obama’s political coalition, not consumers. The new politically driven GM will never return to profitability, and will stay alive only with a permanent taxpayer pipeline.”

Help Defeat HB 4294

HB 4294, which has just been passed in both the Texas Senate and the House, will divert state funds from textbooks to unproven instructional materials based in technological equipment. This bill will take the authority away from our elected State Board of Education and hand it over to the unelected Commissioner of Education- this clearly being a departure from the Republican platform that supports the authority of the elected SBOE.
Read more about Help Defeat HB 4294


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