Texas Workforce Commission
September 24th, 2020
The American dream is alive and well in the Houston construction industry, as evidenced by the inspiring story of Stacia Brightmon, a single mother of two boys in Houston who is now working for S&B Engineers and...
August 8th, 2013
As former chairman of the Texas Workforce Commissioner, Tom Pauken is no stranger to the pages of TexasGOPVote. Pauken has been a news contributor for this website nearly from its inception in 2009. Now Pauken has taken on a...
April 10th, 2013
This is Part II of my personal interview with Tom Pauken who is seeking the position for Governor of Texas. We must not be blind to the achievements and failures of our Texas leadership at such a critical time as now....
December 6th, 2012
For over two years now, I have been writing about unethical businesses using employee misclassification as a strategy to create an unfair competitive advantage over legitimate employers in the marketplace. According to an...
November 21st, 2012
It is time for Republicans in Texas to take a leadership role in solving the problem of employee misclassification and payroll fraud. During the 2011 Legislative Session there was good legislation put forward, but it did not...
December 21st, 2011
Previously, I have written several articles about the problems for workers and government caused by the unethical and illegal business practices of some companies who misclassify employees to gain an unfair advantage over...
February 22nd, 2011
On January 16, 2009, the Texas Workforce Commission hosted a forum entitled “Putting America Back to Work.” At that conference, a number of our speakers made the case for lessening our dependence on unstable sources of...
October 23rd, 2010
In a print ad published in 41 newspapers across the state of Texas on October 5th, the so-called Back to Basics political action committee (PAC) claims that “the Texas unemployment rate has even grown more than the nation’s...
June 5th, 2009
Matthew Crawford has an important essay, inspired by his new book Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work in the June 1st issue of the New York Times Magazine.
April 8th, 2014
Last Week, I hosted the Annual Coastal Bend Veterans Summit in Corpus Christi. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss veteran’s issues with a group a veterans that spanned 7 decades of service. It continues to be clear to...
July 5th, 2013
For nearly three years, we have been bringing you information about the problem of unethical companies that misclassify workers as independent contractors when, in reality, they are employees. They do this for a variety of...
February 14th, 2013
One of the trends weve been watching closely is the shift in attitudes when it comes to the "college for all" mentality that has dominated public policy in recent decades. Now, a plan in support of that shift is picking up...
November 26th, 2012
It’s amazing how much bad policy gets enacted in the name of the children. For example, illegal immigrants and drug felons currently can collect welfare checks in Texas, even though they are theoretically prevented from...
January 5th, 2012
On July 13, Construction Citizen shared a story first reported by Dallas/Fort Worth television station WFAA about misclassification of workers on a school construction project. Last week, the same WFAA reporter submitted an...
December 16th, 2011
I want to welcome all of you to this Texas Workforce Commission annual conference and thank you for all you do to help make the Texas’ labor market the strongest in the nation.When I spoke to you one year ago, we faced a...
December 19th, 2010
Every day workers are picked up from day labor sites, many times by the same employer. Thousands of people are working in an underground economy where they are paid cash under the table. Still others are simply worked as...
September 2nd, 2009
We are very pleased at the Texas Workforce Commission that our Texas Veteran’s Leadership Program was honored with an in-depth feature in VFW Magazine. The Veterans of Foreign Wars and their 2.2 million members worldwide do...