
Obama likes it both ways and gets it, Part 3

Victor Davis Hanson, in a National Review Online blog post, notices that Obama likes to have it both ways . . . and gets it.  But, he wonders how long it will last:

In response, as I read between the lines, conservatives are told by the Obamans something to the effect, "Forget our prior demagoguery, aren't you at least happy we backtracked and are now adopting some of your war-on-terror positions we used to trash?", while liberals are supposed to be happy with something like, "Just forget all that stuff about ethics, transparency, and anti-lobbying/influence; we're in power now and will do anything necessary to fulfill your agenda."

There will be a backlash to all this, and one of unprecedented fury. Read more about Obama likes it both ways and gets it, Part 3

Another attack on Senator Cornyn rings hollow . . .

"Traitorous" ??

"Cowardly" ??

"Backstabbing" ??

"Sellout" ??

"Squishy Moderate" ????

Most of us would probably only use these words to describe the vilest of foes. In fact, I’m not sure my Preacher would ever tell me there was an appropriate time for these types of personal attacks, even in politics.

This is what the lawyers call an ad hominen attack. When you can’t attack the logic or reasoning of a man’s argument, you attack the man himself.

This is usually the M.O. for Clintonistas like James Carville and Paul Begala, going after

Godspeed Sarah Palin . . .

I was on the floor of the Excel Center as a Texas delegate when Governor Sarah Palin electrified the entire arena at the RNC last year.

She was a rock star that night and for a little over 60 days wowed crowds across the country, many who had never heard her name before that night. Read more about Godspeed Sarah Palin . . .

Alarming Research on Cap-and-Trade Bill: Why Texas will Suffer Most

In a previous Texas GOP blog, we explained the consequences of the proposed cap-and-trade bill (HR 2454). Now that the bill has made it past the U.S. House, the potential repercussions we may have to endure from this bill become more menacing by the minute. Read more about Alarming Research on Cap-and-Trade Bill: Why Texas will Suffer Most

Four Major Myths of Opponents to Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Part 2

…. Continues from Charles Foster's previous post:  “Four Major Myths of Opponents to Comprehensive Immigration 
Reform: Part 1

Immigration Myth #2:

All Undocumented Workers Will First Go Back Home, Get In Line and Come Back Legally

This is a myth. It is commonly part of the political rehtoric that "all we want is for illegal aliens and undocumented workers to return home, apply for a visa, and come in legally". However, it is an inherent assumption that we actually have a legal system where that is possible.There is no recognition that qualifying for a work visa is a legal impossibility. Read more about Four Major Myths of Opponents to Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Part 2

From Italy to the Galapagos: Where Does Our Tax Money Really Go?

With the Democratic majority in Congress, we in the Republican Party have become quite disgruntled with the impending tax increases coming our way. The Obama Administration is attempting to lull our conservative outcries with promises such as creating the “perfect” health care system, ending global warming, and solving unemployment. So how else is our tax money being spent? Read more about From Italy to the Galapagos: Where Does Our Tax Money Really Go?

Obama Likes to have it both ways . . . and gets it, PART 2

Can someone please explain why it is NOT OK for President Obama to meddle with "internal dispute" (i.e., struggle for freedom) in Iran, but it IS OK for President Obama to meddle with internal Honduras politics?  Maybe one of the WH correspondents will get around to asking that question?  I will not hold my breath.


President Obama described the removal of Honduras's power hungry President as "illegal."  How would he know?    Read more about Obama Likes to have it both ways . . . and gets it, PART 2

Sen. Cornyn: Congress Must Take the Time to Get Healthcare Reform Right

I spoke last week on the Senate floor about the health care proposals currently being considered in Congress, and the need for health care reform that empowers individuals, not the government, to make their own health care decisions. Below are some of my key remarks, as delivered on the Senate floor. I also spoke about health care reform in an interview with Fox News. Read more about Sen. Cornyn: Congress Must Take the Time to Get Healthcare Reform Right

Deciphering the Administration's Tricky Tax Rhetoric: Translation "We Pay More"


In a compelling Washington Post article (subscription required) Fortune magazine editor at large Geoff Colvin reminds us that "what's politically irresistible is economically nonsensical". Read more about Deciphering the Administration's Tricky Tax Rhetoric: Translation "We Pay More"

Al Franken Paving the Way for More "Obama Oppression"

Brian Bakst reports in a article  that the Minnesota Supreme Court announced Democrat Al Franken as the victor of the state's long-running Senate race. “The high court rejected a legal challenge from Republican Norm Coleman whose options for regaining the Senate seat are now dwindling.” Coleman had appealed the outcome of the 2008 Senate election, suspecting that “thousands of absentee votes had been unfairly rejected by local election officials around the state.” Read more about Al Franken Paving the Way for More "Obama Oppression"


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