
With the Healthcare Reform Rush, Obama Admits He is Not Familiar With the Bill

While Obama’s healthcare legislation, H.R. 3200, has tanked to a disapproval rate of 50% across the nation, Obama is putting pressure on the U.S. House and Senate to quickly pass their versions of the bill before breaking for summer vacation at the end of July. Read more about With the Healthcare Reform Rush, Obama Admits He is Not Familiar With the Bill

Welcome Back To Earth Mr. President


The President's world of ease and privilege is at last, after along honeymoon, evaporating based on his performance. The President is not a happy camper as his approval numbers come back to earth. The economy is not recovering like he thought it would, unemployment is rising, and the Democratic insiders at Goldman Sachs that were bailed out last fall are now raking it in. Read more about Welcome Back To Earth Mr. President

War? . . . what war?


Does it seem like we are still at war?  You wouldnt think so listening to our President or most of the mainstream media.

Yet, Americans know were still at war.  Consider the video posted below as proof.

Powerline posted this yesterday and it is incredible for its simplicity and symbolism.  You can bet the people who came to see Sgt. John Beales victory ride home have not forgotten we are a nation at war. Read more about War? . . . what war?

Scriptures: "Worn Arguments and Old Attitudes" ... According to Obama

President Obama declared the month of June to be LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) Pride month. In a speech he gave at the LGBT Pride Month reception held at the White House on June 29, he called himself their "friend, ally, champion and President who fights with them and for them." Here are just a few of the comments he made during that speech: Read more about Scriptures: "Worn Arguments and Old Attitudes" ... According to Obama

Hillary Clinton's "Cap and Trade" Ploy in India

The Obama Administration has been receiving much outrage lately on behalf of the proposed cap-and-trade bill (HR 2454). Texas GOP Vote previsouly discussed how this bill, which will dramatically increase our electric bills and further destroy jobs, is based merely upon computer models with no guarantee of success. Read more about Hillary Clinton's "Cap and Trade" Ploy in India

Fighting the "War on Terror" Backwards

The struggle in Afghanistan continues into its eighth year with no end in sight. The United States is continuing to dump resources into a region that has been effectively abandoned by al Qaeda. So where has al Qaeda gone? Pakistan of course! This is a great strategy on the part of the al Qaeda - flee to a country that the U.S. cannot legally enter. Read more about Fighting the "War on Terror" Backwards

Biden's Words of Wisdom: We Have to Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt


Extravagant all-expense-paid vacations disguised as research? A second stimulus package because the current stimulus package is failing? Using money from the federal healthcare bill to fund local farmers' markets and build new jungle gyms? When will the Obama Administration stop spending our tax money on useless initiatives? Read more about Biden's Words of Wisdom: We Have to Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt

Statement on behalf of the US Catholic Bishops on Immigration Reform

Cardinal Francis George, the Archbishop of Chicago and President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops made a statement while in San Antonio last week about immigration reform.   Read more about Statement on behalf of the US Catholic Bishops on Immigration Reform

An Ulterior Motive for Obama's Healthcare Plan

In a previous blog post we discussed Obama's healthcare overhaul, including his plans on targeting the wealthy to pick up the tab. Texas GOP Vote explained that Obama is arranging to move healthcare into a new federally operated exchange. As if things weren't bad enough already, there's more to Obama's healthcare legislation than providing insurance to millions of Americans without coverage, according to a Boston Globe article:

Socialism 101

Texas GOP Vote's latest featured "Voice of the Texas GOP", Colleen Hammond, recently wrote a blog post about Obama's new proposed socialistic regime. Hammond tells a story about an economics professor who conducts an experiment on his class- a class of college students that insists that Obama's socialistic plan, where no one would be poor and no one would be rich, was a great equalizer.Through his experiment, the economics professor is able to show his class just how Obama's plan will unfold:


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