Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill

The following came in from the Republican Party of Texas:Here we go again. Texans deserve straight answers from the people who want to lead us. Democrat Bill White is running for governor of our state, so it's fair to ask...
Texas's own, three time elected official of the Texas Railroad Commission, and Voice of the previous Voice of the Texas GOP feature gave a well-received speech today at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Although a climate bill that would create an economy wide market for greenhouse gas emissions cleared the House earlier this year, the ongoing brutal health care battle and the current state of the economy have caused...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Monday that greenhouse gases are a danger to public health and welfare.
In a Huffington Post article, Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, gives his take on environmental policy saying
Despite both a Republican boycott and a stern "no" from Montana's Senator, Democrat Max Baucus, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has
In a recent post entitled "Steep Decline in Americans' Belief in Global Warming," the Huffington Post whines that "Americans seem to be cooling toward global warming."Just 57 percent think there is solid evidence the world...
As has been previously blogged by John Cornyn, the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, which Obama has proclaimed to be a "win-win-win-win-win" proposition, will have detrimental effects on the Texas economy.Well now a group...
Texas GOP Vote recently blogged about the Chamber of Commerce vs. EPA action over global warming. We have heard the left-wing environmentalists' complaint that the Chamber's is attempting to "sow political discord by...
Do you think the Democrats are really telling us the truth behind global warming or are they just using it as another reason to tax us?This video gives us an inside look into Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth and why...
Thursday, I joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) in announcing the findings of critical new research on the severe impact federal climate change, or cap-and-trade, legislation would have on the Texas economy....
I issued the following statement after agreeing to cosponsor a Resolution of Disapproval of the EPA’s Endangerment Rule, introduced by U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and supported by a bipartisan group of Senators:
This is a letter to the UN Secretary General, signed by 142 scientists who cite and list numerous questions about supposed global warming science. I doubt that many of these imagine it is really the case, but the letter is...
Even two attorneys who work for the EPA claim cap-and-trade is a lie and a rip-off!
Texas GOP Vote previously blogged about the significance of the last chapter in SuperFreakonomics entitled “What do Al Gore and Mount Pinatubo have in common?” We all know who Al Gore is but what exactly is the...
Despite a boycott by Republican leaders in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, the Democrats, led by Senator Barbara Boxer of California, have decided to forge ahead with climate change legislation
The Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas W. Elmendorf testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee  recently regarding the long term effects of the cap-and-trade provisions of H.R. 2454, the...
As Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission, I deal on a weekly and monthly basis with state and national unemployment figures.
If anyone was ever questioning whether the outrage over the proposed cap-and-trade bill (otherwise known as "cap-and-tax") is a Republican fabrication, then this should help convince against that! The U.S.
"Cold prompts grizzly bear attack warning: 'Unseasonably cold temps have made food scarce for bears, pushing them closer to towns to find more' ""Not so peachy: Ohio cold snap takes bite out of local...



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