Al Franken Paving the Way for More "Obama Oppression"
Brian Bakst reports in a article that the Minnesota Supreme Court announced Democrat Al Franken as the victor of the state's long-running Senate race. “The high court rejected a legal challenge from Republican Norm Coleman whose options for regaining the Senate seat are now dwindling.” Coleman had appealed the outcome of the 2008 Senate election, suspecting that “thousands of absentee votes had been unfairly rejected by local election officials around the state.”
But wait a second. Is this the same Al Franken that was one of the original writers on Saturday Night Live? Is this the same Al Franken that co-wrote a spoof (which ended up being too offensive to be aired) about drugging and raping a woman? Is this also the same Al Franken who has been previously criticized for writing a provocative fantasy article in Playboy magazine? Yes, yes, and yes!
A Fox News article reported that Franken claims to be drawing “a sharp line between his comedic endeavors and his Senate aspirations.” Really, Franken? This seems hard to believe when the response he gave to an inquiry about his SNL rape spoof was, “I'm proud of my career as a satirist.”
"Al Franken is not living in the real world if he thinks the hurt he has caused real people throughout his career with jokes about rape and pornography isn't cause for real concern among real Minnesotans," Coleman said.
And what does this mean for the national GOP? Democrats will now have a big enough majority to overcome any potential filibuster.
So when ill-conceived bills such as Obama's cap-and-trade bill (the largest tax increase in American history) and the Democrat's Healthy Families Act reach the floor, strong oppositions by our Republican representatives in Congress will immediately be thwarted by the Democratic majority.
Al Franken- a man that clearly should stay out of politics and go back to show business- will constitute a key role in the overtake of what actor Jon Voight has coined the “Obama Oppression.”