Foreign Affairs
April 3rd, 2012
After 10 years as an Army infantryman, Sgt. Anthony Weir had a difficult time finding a good job as he transitioned from service in Iraq to civilian life. Although he remained in the National Guard, Anthony worked as a jail...
March 19th, 2012
These are reflections from a recent trip to New York around Saint Patrick's Day.Twice terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, the second being the attack on 9/11, but often forgotten is the first that occurred...
February 15th, 2012
Recent media reports on the difficulty returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan face in finding jobs as they transition to civilian life raise some important issues. How do you translate their military skills and...
November 8th, 2011
Reporters were able to listen in on a conversation between Obama and French President Sarkozy that the two thought was private at last week's G20 Summit. During the conversation, Obama criticized Sarkozy for not having...
June 27th, 2011
There is one word to describe Obama’s foreign policy, incomprehensible. No one can truly make sense of this policy other than to say, if it is the wrong move, it will be done. Case in point, Libya. Obama procrastinated...
May 5th, 2011
The following came in from Congressman Ted Poe (TX-2) - Pakistan has a lot of explaining to do. It seems unimaginable that Osama Bin Laden was living 1,000 yards away from a military base in a million dollar mansion built...
April 3rd, 2011
The spring issue of Inspire Magazine, is titled, “The Tsunami of Change – The unfolding revolution has brought with it a wave of change”, Inspire is the online edition of al-malahem media publications.This issue, the Spring...
March 26th, 2011
What is the Obama doctrine? The recent mess in Libya is symptomatic of Obama's foreign policy, a policy based on the hard left world view, but a world view colliding with realty.Obama came into the White House with the idea...
February 5th, 2011
“I am fed up. After 62 years of public service, I have had enough. I want to go…If I resign today there will be chaos… I was very unhappy about yesterday. I do not want to see Egyptians fighting each other.” - Egyptian...
January 25th, 2011
Tonight, President Barack Obama will address a joint session of Congress to deliver his constitutionally required State of the Union Report. I will be "investing" some time along with most of you and looking for points to...
March 24th, 2012
The U.S. State Department announced Friday that the USA will resume its massive foreign aid giveaway of $1.5 Billion to Egypt. Since Congress passed a law in December prohibiting funding unless the State Department...
March 16th, 2012
When History is finally written about the Obama Administration, it may record how a President managed to lose two wars after inheriting one winning war and a strategy to win the other. Obama has one accomplishment, killing...
November 22nd, 2011
The GOP Presidential contenders will face off tonight in a CNN foreign policy debate. The debate will start at 8PM EST and will be held the DAR Constitutional Hall in Washington, DC. As Newt Gingrich is leading in the polls...
September 29th, 2011
I just found out that a fellow soldier, and fellow resident of Lumberton, TX, David Drake, has been killed in Afghanistan. My prayers are with his family and his great sacrifice will be remembered.Deaths and Injuries...
June 23rd, 2011
Following President Obama’s speech calling for a rapid troop drawdown from Afghanistan, I released the following statement:Many of us had high expectations for the President’s speech Wednesday night. I had hoped he would...
April 27th, 2011
When will we end our policy of intervention in foreign affairs?First we went into Afghanistan searching for the 911 perpetrator Osama Bin Laden. Even though we have never found Osama, for awhile the Taliban...
April 2nd, 2011
Under Obama America is Moving More Rapidly Toward One-World GovernmentIn this world, there is no end to civil strife, wars and tribal fighting . While sending mixed messages about why we injected ourselves...
March 2nd, 2011
Raymond Davis in Pakistan Police Station
February 5th, 2011
A few days ago, I wrote Part 1 of this story detailing the hypocrisy of President Barack Hussein Obama in relation to his ignoring American protesters while promising to hear the protesters of Egypt.
November 27th, 2010
Is it Smart for America to Support the Pro-Taliban Karzai Regime in Afghanistan?Remember when America supported the Taliban in their fight against the Russian invasion? After a 10-year struggle and the loss of thousands of...