Foreign Affairs

The spring issue of Inspire Magazine, is titled, “The Tsunami of Change – The unfolding revolution has brought with it a wave of change”, Inspire is the online edition of al-malahem media publications.This issue, the Spring...
What is the Obama doctrine? The recent mess in Libya is symptomatic of Obama's foreign policy, a policy based on the hard left world view, but a world view colliding with realty.Obama came into the White House with the idea...
“I am fed up. After 62 years of public service, I have had enough. I want to go…If I resign today there will be chaos… I was very unhappy about yesterday. I do not want to see Egyptians fighting each other.” - Egyptian...
Tonight, President Barack Obama will address a joint session of Congress to deliver his constitutionally required State of the Union Report. I will be "investing" some time along with most of you and looking for points to...
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Australians fed up with big-government spending and over taxing has decided to ride the Tea Party wave! The Australian T.E.A. Party website states:Do you feel that you have lost your voice?Has government and entrenched...
Congratulations to the seven Special Forces soldiers from a North Carolina-based unit (Fort Bragg), who were awarded Silver Stars (the Army's third highest valor medal) for actions in Afghanistan. The medals are being...
The United States is a nation that promotes freedom of speech and freedom of expression for all...unless you're the leader of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.Wednesday, President Obama ordered General Stanley McChrystal to resign...
At the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico is a canyon, much like the Grand Canyon in Arizona, except that it is covered by about a mile of sea water. It is both wide and deep. It has steep cliff-like walls. And two or three...
After the Munich agreement, when the French and British surrendered the Sudetenland to the Germans, the French alliances in Central Europe dissipated. The French had set up a series of alliances within Central Europe...
See here on American Thinker
Under Obama America is Moving More Rapidly Toward One-World GovernmentIn this world, there is no end to civil strife, wars and tribal fighting . While sending mixed messages about why we injected ourselves...
Raymond Davis in Pakistan Police Station
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A few days ago, I wrote Part 1 of this story detailing the hypocrisy of President Barack Hussein Obama in relation to his ignoring American protesters while promising to hear the protesters of Egypt.
Is it Smart for America to Support the Pro-Taliban Karzai Regime in Afghanistan?Remember when America supported the Taliban in their fight against the Russian invasion? After a 10-year struggle and the loss of thousands of...
You have enemies? Good. That means youve stood up for something, sometime in your life. ~Winston ChurchillOn the day of the worst attack on American soil 911 we are confronted by the reality that evil does exist. Three...
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”                -Thomas JeffersonTreason as defined in the dictionary: the offense of attempting by overt acts
Following is the letter I wrote to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano demanding answers on the events surrounding 17 members of the Afghan military who have gone AWOL from Lackland Air Force Base...
Friday, I sent a letter to U.S. Air Force Secretary Michael B. Donley listing serious concerns with alarming reports indicating 17 members of the Afghan military have gone AWOL over the course of two years from Lackland Air...
The Report was in Sunday’s NewsMax email (currently #2 on this page at NewsMax), and the site referred to is, Jews For Sarah Palin. On the subject, I found another site that summarized why Jews hate Palin...
Argentina is one of history’s parallels to the course America is on. You should understand some things in light of the murkiness of the messages that are floating about. I needn’t be so rude as to start naming names, but...



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